Monstrum Tribute: The Fall of Midland - Part 3
By Chrissy
Thank you to WintermuteX for their stories and the inspiration. You have created a great world to write in.
Content: Rape, Monster Rape, Young Girls, Magic/Fantasy, Gore, Death, Bondage, Pedophilia, Pregnancy

Chapter 1: The General
The Org-reh fell back all along the line as the General’s elite soldiers advanced in force. Pikes and spears thrusting in front of them, the hand-picked men of his forces drove the giant beasts back onto their heels. Behind them, the battlemages devastated the enemy with blasts of Earth, Air, and Fire.
As the General watched from atop his white horse, a tiny little mage that he knew as Ceira, barely over three feet tall, smashed an Org-reh warrior in the face with a spell. Her attack sent the giant flailing away in pain.
This was the fourth Monstrum raiding party his troops had found in the last two weeks. It looked like his battlegroup would easily handle this patrol as well. With good fortune they would take minimal losses doing so.
The General smiled as his horse pranced beneath him and the hot battle raged in front of him. More Monstrum sent to hell. More evil creatures brought to justice. More villages saved.
And each step of blood-soaked ground brought his small army closer to the town of Midland, and his well-earned reward.
Some Rapewolves ran away from the enemy formation. The beasts attempted to make a breakthrough between a gap where two of his units met. He saw it coming almost before it happened and yelled down to the nearest mage.
“Girl! Look! The wolves are advancing!”
The mage, another tiny young girl, smiled up at the handsome General. She waved her staff and slammed the wolves into the dirt with a spell. An invisible force shattered the Monstrum bodies to nothing but streaks of blood, bone, and gore.
The General looked down at the little mage as she turned her attention back to the main battle. She is a pretty one. I think I will have my aides bring this one to my tent tonight for a small post-battle celebration.
The mages he commanded were a special group, just like his soldiers.
They had been chosen from among the most powerful remaining girls in the Academy. They were trained to use their magic to its utmost. He was assured that every girl in his command was worth five normal mages.
The battle was already over, though the enemy didn’t know it. The Monstrum almost always fought until the last creature had fallen and it took another twenty minutes to make that happen.
When the killing was done, the General sent two of his aides out to count the casualties. His third aide, Belton, accompanied him back to his tent and helped the weary General off his horse and out of his armor.
This was a good battle, the General thought to himself as he stripped down to his smallclothes. And his mission was almost complete. It would be a shame to lose this command, but the General was tired of the war and deserved the reward he planned to receive. The reward he deserved.
His force had left the capital nine weeks earlier with 400 battle-hardened elite troops and 25 of the best and most powerful battlemages the Academy could muster. Now, as they approached their objective, they still had 326 men and 22 of the mages remaining.
Or, they did have before this fight. No telling what they had lost today.
That number did not include the 90 followers in the wagon train and the twenty men that guarded it. Those were hired mercenaries, scum really, and likely to break at the first sign of trouble.
“Bring me water for a hot bath,” the General said to Belton, stripping off his smallclothes and sitting down on his bunk to rest. Fighting was tough work, he always said, but command was exhausting.
Belton disappeared from the tent to fetch the water.
There was a knock at the sign next to his door and his other aides came in through the tent flaps.
“Report,” was all he said, not even looking at them.
“We lost 20 today, sir. All from one unit that got outflanked. Including the captain and a lieutenant from that unit. The remaining men from it have been broken up and placed with other commands to fill existing gaps.”
“Good. And good job today to all of you. See to it that a watch is posted. I want guards every twenty feet around the camp and changed every two hours to keep the men alert. We have seen too many raiding parties over the last three weeks. I don’t want to get caught at night if another one happens upon us. And the closer we get to the frontlines, the worse it will be.”
“Yes, General,” the two men said as one.
The aides left, leaving the General to his thoughts. Soon Belton returned with buckets of hot water warmed over a fire and carried by four of the camp cooks. The General had them pour the water into his tub and then leave him to his bath.
When the water got tepid, the General dried off, and had a nice meal of roast mutton, turnips, and hard bread. After he was done eating, the General opened the tent flaps and bellowed for Belton.
When Belton arrived, the General was wearing his night clothes and reading a book by candlelight.
“There was a mage I saw today. Long curly blonde hair. Cute face with dimples. Do you know her?”
“Yes, sir. That sounds like Madie.”
“Fine. Send her to my tent in thirty minutes. I wish to talk with her.”
“But, General, if I may, Islla commands the mages. Shouldn’t she be the one consulted…”
“Send the other one. Madie. I will ask for Islla if I want Islla.”
“Yes, General, it will be done. Thirty minutes, sir.”
A half hour later there was a knock at the sign and the little mage came in.
She wore her allocite and dreamcloth uniform, which left little needed for the imagination. She snapped to attention as soon as she entered.
That wasn’t required of the mages, but it was a nice sign of respect.
Her tiny body was almost boy-like, with small breasts and slender hips. Just the way the General liked his treats.
“Your name is Madie?”
“Yes, General.”
“How old?”
“Ten, sir.”
“And were you well trained at the Academy?”
“Yes, General,” the girl said, a question of confusion in her voice, “I am a fully trained battlemage. I would not have been selected for your command otherwise.”
“That,” the General said, putting the book down and fixing the young girl with his terrible gaze, “Is not what I meant. Are you fully trained?”
Madie, realizing exactly what the General meant, paled a little and began to shake.
“Yes… yes General. I received extensive… training. With my mouth.”
“Only your mouth?”
“Yes, sir.”
“Well, I will need more than that tonight. Any problems with that?”
Knowing there was no possibility of refusing him, Madie nodded, though she looked ready to faint from fear if he breathed on her too hard.
That was also something the General enjoyed. Fear.
“Good. Then you know what to do.”
The General stood and undid his robe before letting it drop to the floor.
Madie, knowing now what her responsibility was, walked over and got down her knees before the far older man. The General towered over her by a good two feet in height and she almost had to reach up to touch his cock.
The organ was soft, though long, and thicker than a smaller man’s forearm. He could hear her intake of breath as the little girl got a good look at it.
The ten year old grasped the General’s prick and began to rub her hands up and down his shaft. She stuck her tongue out and took a lick of his large red mushroom-shaped head.
“Don’t waste time,” the General said gruffly.
Madie began to rub him. Sliding her hands along his dick. As her mouth closed around him, she sank her head onto his cock. She couldn’t take more than a couple of inches in her small mouth. Madie ran her tongue around and over the tip of him in slow, sensuous movements.
The General must have liked that, for he let out a low slow moan of pleasure at the feeling of the young virgin pleasing him.
As she had been taught to do at the Academy, by her lecherous professors, Madie worked hard to make the General happy. Licking and sucking at him with her mouth, while one tiny hand played with his balls and the other worked him up and down.
After several minutes of this, the General grunted.
“Ok, enough of that. Onto the bed now,” he said as he climbed into the bunk and lay on his back.
Fear coursing through her, and a little nausea as well, Madie followed her commander up onto the folding camp bunk. She lay beside him, thinking he wanted her on the bottom.
“No. Not like that. On top you stupid girl.”
“Yes, General.”
The small girl rolled over and crawled up on top of the large man. She wasn’t lying to him. None of her professors had ever taken her virginity, only her mouth. Now she was faced with pleasing the most important, and imposing man she had ever met.
She climbed up on top of the General’s chest and then scooted back towards his crotch. She could see behind her his cock standing up and ready to penetrate her little slit.
When she reached her destination, she grasped his prick and then hesitated. He was having none of that.
“It doesn’t go in your hand. It goes in your cunt. Stop playing around or I will have you flogged.”
Madie let out a little squeak of fear, raised her body up, and sat down on his thick cock. The meat of him speared her virgin cunt and smashed through her hymen on its way into her body. It was painful and raw as his cock forced her small pink hole open and slammed its way inside of her.
“That is good. Keep that up girl,” the General said to the child, “You know what to do, even if you have never done it.”
Madie saw red on his cock as a little blood was leaking out of her. She raised herself up and let his shaft slide agonizingly out from her tiny body. Her nipples, erect and sensitive in the cold night air, were the only thing to betray her arousal. She was barely even wet, but that didn’t stop him.
When the head of his cock was almost out, she sat down again, driving him even deeper into her and drawing a gasp of pain from her mouth.
“Stop that. It can’t hurt that bad.”
Madie began to work her way up and down him slowly. Feeling his cock pushing her soft silky walls apart and sucking at him. She thought she was doing a good job, until he spoke again.
“Fuck it. You are terrible at this. Hold still you little bitch.”
He smacked her across the face and then the General grabbed the small girl around the waist and held her still.
“I will do it myself.”
He began to fuck Madie as hard as he could, holding her steady, and thrusting off the bed again and again to violate her recently deflowered cunt. Madie was in agony, but she stifled any sounds of pain, not wanting to upset the General any further and get punished.
The older man’s cock flowed stiffly in and out of the tight little hole and moved faster and faster as he came closer to climax. It was a blur, flashing up and down into the child as he fucked her.
When he came, Madie felt a warm spurt of cream within her pussy. The General said nothing, but he stopped thrusting. He let his cock pulse, filling her up with his cum as he let out a long and satisfied breath.
When he was done, not even looking at the child he had just raped, he pushed her off the bed and onto the floor.
“Go. And tell no one of this.”
There was terrible pain in her crotch, and from her cunt, as Madie departed the tent and walked out into the night.
The General cleaned himself up with a towel and tossed it to the floor for his aide to pick up the next morning. Minutes later, his needs satisfied, the General was asleep and dreaming of his coming reward.
A week later, with two more Monstrum patrols smashed, the remaining 280 men and 21 mages arrived at the town of Midland early on a Sunday morning.
Leaving an old wood forest, the small army came over a rise. Below them they saw the town of four thousand souls resting in the early dawn light. The General, once again atop his horse, did a careful evaluation of the surrounding land. It was mostly small farmed fields and empty dry grass.
Midland wasn’t an important town until recently. But as the Monstrum forces encroached further and further into Teleria, Midland had grown in importance. It held a vital crossroads where four major roads met, three of them coming directly from towns at the border. Towns that had only recently fallen. Leaving Midland as the sole remaining place in the area that was truly defensible.
And the Monstrum had to know that.
So, the General and his men were rapidly dispatched to defend it until a larger force could arrive. And defend it they would. At least, up until a point.
No one was watching the General at that moment, and even if they were, his smile would have given away nothing. Nothing of his plans for the people of the town of Midland and the remains of his forces.
“Onward,” he said to his aides and dug his spurs into his horse’s flanks, “I want to be in town and behind those walls by noon. Belton, take ten cavalry and ride ahead. Pick out a house for a command post near the center of town. Someplace nice. Kick out whoever is living there now and pay them for it in gold. I want the mayor and the town council waiting for me at the southern gate when I arrive.”
“Yes, sir,” Belton said, and he rode back to find the cavalry.
Five hours later, with the last of his troops inside the city, and the high stone walls, the General finally let himself relax.
At his order, his men were distributed throughout the city to four points near the four main gates. They were given homes to use as barracks. Each group of soldiers took five of the remaining mages with them, leaving one, Madie, to stay with the General to protect him. That she would also warm his bed was not mentioned by anyone where he could hear it.
The next morning the General had a big breakfast and inspected the town in the company of the mayor. He made sure to fuck his little mage toy before he left.
They discussed the town’s defenses. Stone walls, twenty feet high and 4 feet thick in most places, protected the city, except where the four wooden gates stood at each point of the compass. Sharp palisades and iron spikes were embedded in the top of the wall.
The gates were made of wood, reinforced with steel, until they were strong enough to stop a battering ram. The mayor told him that each one of the gates had been tested with strong hits from a solid metal ram. They had not given an inch.
The General knew that wouldn’t matter against the strength of a force of Yetta or group of Org-reh with a ram of their own, but he didn’t bother to tell the mayor that fact.
There was a small police force for keeping order, though it wasn’t heavily armed. Each gate and the walls were guarded by a special force trained in keeping and maintaining the defenses. It consisted of three hundred men in total.
Besides the walls and the guards, Midland’s primary defense was its militia.
Every man and boy over the age of 10 and under 50 was enrolled as part of the militia and trained two days a week with pike, bow, and swords. Many of them possessed some sort of hand-me-down metal armor or at least a suit of tough leather. Numbering nearly 900 men, the mayor swore the militia was more than capable of defending the town against a coordinated attack.
The General had no doubt that the militia would be effective against a small Monstrum attack, but not against what he knew was coming.
After touring the battlements and fortifications, the General spent some time with his men, eating lunch among them. He then went back to his commandeered home where he met his captains. They made plans for the defense of the town and then he sent them back to their commands.
He fucked Madie again, this time in her mouth and her tight virgin asshole, before coming on her face. He made her go to sleep on the floor wearing his cum.
On the third day the Mage Commander, Islla, showed up on his doorstep demanding to speak to him. He met her over breakfast.
“The chain of command in this situation is clear,” the General said as he buttered a piece of bread, “I am in overall command of both the troops and your mages. You have operational control of the mages only.”
Islla, a girl of only 11, but already a veteran of thirty battles and the most powerful mage in the group, straightened her back in her chair to try and make herself look more imposing.
“I understand that General Rotra. That isn’t what I am arguing with you about. I am questioning why you have split your forces and mine. By dividing your troops into four units and scattering them in front of each gate, with only five mages to support each, you have diluted our strength!”
“And what is your suggestion, please tell me.”
“Consolidate. Put all your forces in the center of the city, with all my mages together, and let us react to any breaches with strength, rather than being overtaken piecemeal in small groups. And, by all my mages, I mean all of them. Even Madie. Your… advisor.”
The General chuckled at that.
“No, no I don’t think I will. I have spent forty years fighting the Monstrum, and I don’t think I will take advice from a jumped-up eleven year old girl with a god complex. I have deployed my men, and your mages, as I see fit and I believe it is the best strategy for holding this town until our relief convoy shows up with more men.”
“And when will that be General? It could be weeks before we are relieved. Meanwhile, you have us trying to defend everything while actually defending nothing!” Islla said, her voice rising to a yell.
The General placed some fresh cranberry jam on the bread and ate it while looking across the table at the little girl.
She is pretty, he thought, and under the right circumstances I might take her upstairs and fuck her senseless while the other one watched. But I don’t have the time. Plus, this little one’s cunt is probably so tight I couldn’t get my cock in there anyway.
“Your opinions have been noted and rejected, Mage Commander Islla. Is there anything else?”
The young girl bristled at him using her full title.
“Madie. I will need her in the fight. Not in your bed.”
“Fine then. Take her with you. I don’t have any need for her any longer. Go up, get her, and take your leave.”
I will just find a local girl to please me, the General thought with a smile, at least until my friends come.
“Thank you. We will be going now,” the girl said, still being her arrogant self.
A few minutes later both mages, the younger crying, walked back through the dining room and out of the commandeered house, leaving the General to his breakfast.
“Belton?” he said to the aide standing nearby.
“Yes, General?”
“Today is Tuesday, yes?”
“Yes, General.”
“Good. Please do me a favor and go find me a local girl to talk with tonight. A cute one. With blonde hair if possible. If not, any color will do. Young, please, Belton. You know what I like.”
“Yes, General. Should I… I pay for her?”
“If you must.”
The aide left and the General resumed his meal.
That meant only two more days until he could put this town at his back and ride off a rich man.
Chapter 2: Ceira’s Story
Ceira was asleep in her bed at the inn when the Monstrum force attacked early on Thursday morning.
She was woken at first by the sounds of shouting in the street below her window. Then, seconds later, by the loud crash of the Western gate giving way and falling to the ground.
“TO ARMS! CALL UP THE MILITIA! TO ARMS!” she heard from the street as bells began to ring nearby.
Ceira was a veteran mage and well trained in sleeping lightly. She slept in her uniform and her boots, just in case. At the sounds of the gate giving way, she was on her feet and out the door with her staff before her roommate, a younger mage named Teresa, could even get her boots on.
When she threw the door open the other three mages of their group were standing naked in the hallway.
“What was that?” a bleary-eyed Eleanor asked, as Ceira threw the door open to her room and bolted towards the stairs.
“What do you think it was, you idiot?” Ceira growled, “We are under attack! You three get dressed, get Teresa, and get downstairs. I will make sure the men are formed up and ready to fight!”
Taking the stairs from the third floor of the inn two at a time, Ceira descended as quickly as she safely could. It wouldn’t do to fall and break her neck before she even got in the fight.
When Ceira reached the ground floor she found the innkeeper, his wife, and their three children in the middle of the large dining room clutching each other.
“Get to your cellar!” she yelled as she passed them, “Get to the cellar and lock the door!”
“I’m in the militia,” the man protested.
Ceira stopped for a second and turned around.
“Then get your gear and get moving you moron! The rest of you in the cellar and lock the door! MOVE!”
Her orders finally got the spark in the family, and they all ran off to follow her instructions.
The young mage turned back to the double doors leading outside of the inn and pushed through them into the streets. Once outside she took a moment to assess the situation.
The bells were ringing deeper into the city now as word passed that the militia was needed. The bells would call the men to arms and they would deploy as planned. All her force needed to do was hold until their support arrived.
The Western gate was to her right and about one hundred yards away. It hung broken wide open in the dim light. A fire was growing nearby. She could see a lot of movement around it but couldn’t tell Monstrum from the human gate guards in the darkness. Just shapes.
When she looked around, she could see fire lighting the sky at what looked to be the Eastern gate.
“Another gate must be breached as well,” she muttered.
All sixty troops assigned to defend the mages were being lined up by the two captains that commanded each of the thirty man units. Ceira strode across the wide and open street in front of her, as the captains turned to see her. She didn’t know their names, only calling them Idiot 1 and Idiot 2 in her head.
Ceira had very little patience for men.
“Are you ready?” she asked of Idiot 1.
He nodded.
“You?” she asked, turning to Idiot 2.
“Good. When the rest of my girls are down, we will form up behind you and let you lead us towards the gate. Our job is to hold it at all costs until the town militia can muster and support us. Understand?”
They both nodded this time.
“Good. Let me get my girls.”
Ceira turned to find, at her pleasure, that the other four mages were hurrying across the street towards her. All four were dressed in their allocite and dreamcloth uniforms and had their staffs at the ready. When the four girls reached her, she looked each of them in the eye in turn and spoke softly.
“You know what is happening. You know what is at stake. You are all veterans. You are some of the most powerful mages of this time. We can do this. We can win. Work with our soldiers and hold. Hold! Hold that gate until the militia can come to our aid. Any questions?”
The girls all shook their heads. There was no fear in their eyes. They knew what was about to happen.
Ceira turned back to Idiot 1 and Idiot 2.
“Captains, form your men and lead the way.”
Less than a minute later the sixty elite soldiers were moving double-time down the street towards the broken gate with Ceira and her mages bringing up the rear.
Civilians, many in blind panic, fled past them heading deeper into Midland.
The fire at the gate was spreading, but it looked to Ceira that the gate guards were holding, at least for the moment.
But just as she thought that she saw the line of lightly armored humans break apart. A horde of Monstrum streamed through the gap. She was about to order the captains to charge when Idiot 1 did it for her.
The soldiers in front of her charged at the approaching monsters. In the blink of an eye the battle turned. The gate guards rallied and the Monstrum began to fall back, even before Ceira’s mages got in the fight.
As the combined force started to push the Monstrum back, Ceira spotted an earthen platform near the gate that had a perfect vantage point.
“Up there!” she yelled, pointing at the man-made hill, “Onto the berm and join the fight! TELERIA!”
The five girls climbed onto the platform and soon her four mages were engaged in the battle. Ceira stayed out of it for the moment so that she could evaluate the situation.
The Monstrum were many, but the humans were holding and even pushing the monsters back with the help of her mages. She saw that the invaders were a mixed force of Rapewolves, Archama, and a few Org-reh that seemed to be leading the others.
Arrows fell onto the enemy from the battlements above but had little effect. Pots of boiling oil that came pouring down were more effective, but not nearly enough to break the attack. Ceira saw several Rapewolves retreat, their fur and skin covered in burning oil.
Ceira’s mages, in contrast, were devastating.
The Academy had sent the most powerful mages they could find, and her team was showing their skills and power here at the Western gate. She just had to hope the other mages were having the same effects at their gates.
Bolts of Fire and weaves of Air smashed into the Monstrum lines. The spells drew blood and drove the foes back. Some burned, some bled, many fell before the power of her mages.
“FIGHT! FOR TELERIA!” she screamed, as a charging Org-reh went down under a concentrated bolt of Fire from Teresa.
The mixed force of guards and soldiers had almost reached the gate again and looked to push the terrible creatures back perhaps even out into the night.
“We might actually win this without the militia,” Ceira muttered to herself, looking around to see where the damn civilians were anyway.
The buildings were too tall and numerous to see far. However, she could now see fires burning at all the compass points where the gates stood. Worse, some fires were burning in the town itself and appeared to be spreading.
“Gods, maybe all of the other gates fell…” she said softly.
But she knew she didn’t have time to worry about that now. She had a job to do, and it was time for her to join the fight.
Ceira turned back to the battle in front of her just in time to see tragedy strike. As the guards and her soldiers reached the splintered ruins of the gate, the worst possible thing occurred.
From one side of the main road, hordes of Monstrum came boiling out to flank the human defenders. They took the defending force completely unaware. At the same time, fresh Monstrum troops appeared to join the fight at the gate itself. The men were caught between both groups of Monstrum almost simultaneously.
It was all over in seconds.
The Monstrum rolled up the right flank, and crushed the center of the human line in one smooth motion. The guards and soldiers fell in droves, trampled under the might of the Monstrum advance.
“Oh, Gods, no!” one of her mages said as she watched their defense crumble.
Ceira could hardly believe it as she watched the men assigned to protect them die rapidly in front of her eyes.
She had no time to waste. I must get my mages to safety. She turned to look at the street behind them to check their escape route.
Only to see it blocked.
Another force of Monstrum was charging down the street towards the now undefended girls.
On top of the small hill near the gate, the girls were completely exposed and easy to see. Within seconds the Monstrum would have them and then the rapes would begin.
Every mage knew what happens to female Monstrum captives.
Their book, the Monstrum Factorum, was filled with lessons about what happened to little girls who were unfortunate enough to find themselves taken by the creatures. There were exquisitely detailed illustrations of the acts performed. So detailed were the drawings that it made many of the girls very uncomfortable just reading the book.
Ceira was under no illusion of what was about to happen, and she had no choice.
“RUN!” she screamed at the girls under her charge, “RUN! SEPERATE AND RUN! TRY TO HIDE AND FIND SOME HELP!”
Without another thought, Ceira turned from the slaughter before her. She fled away from the approaching mobs of Monstrum and down a side street.
From behind her she heard the screams of the other four girls, but there was nothing she could do for them now. She could only hope that they had run when she told them to do so.
Ceira darted down a small dark trash filled alley at full speed, leaping and climbing over the filth that blocked her way. When she reached the end of the alley, the street it intersected was clear, so she bolted across it and down another alley.
She made it halfway down that alley before a large pile of fetid garbage blocked her way. She turned back to retrace her steps, only to see a group of Monstrum moving through the street behind her.
Three Rapewolves. Trackers and vicious foes, especially when she would have to face them alone.
I could crush them with Air, she thought, but it might draw others. Instead, she ducked behind a barrel and watched them walking back and forth. No doubt looking for her. Likely the scent of the garbage around her and was confusing them.
Then, she saw a door. It was ten feet closer to the monsters but looked to be open and lead into the building on her right.
She took a chance.
Creeping forward as quietly as possible, Ceira snuck inside. She closed the door gently behind her.
She used a very small Fire spell to softly illuminate the darkness around her. She was in an empty pub. A set of stairs rose to her right. She silently worked her way up the stairs. At the top she found a small flat that the owner of the pub lived in.
She crawled under the bed to hide. Ceira expected the Monstrum to come into the room at any moment. As more and more time passed, she wasn’t sure how long, she began to believe that she had truly escaped.
Careful, so as not to make the wooden floorboards creak, Ceira slid out and walked slowly across the bedroom. She looked out a large window which overlooked the street.
As she watched from her window, a large Org-reh walked past. There were little girls lashed to it as armor. It carried one girl wearing the tattered remains of a mage uniform over its shoulder, but she was face down. Ceira couldn’t tell who it was.
But as Ceira looked down, it was the Arachma that shocked her.
She had never seen the spider-like creatures this close before and their size was a surprise to her. A group of them was walking towards the Org-reh and they appeared to be communicating with it.
After a few moments, the Org-reh took the mage from its shoulder and tossed her into the dirt before the spiders.
Ceira could now see that it was Herae, the youngest girl in her charge.
The girl was naked except for the remains of her uniform around her shoulders and waist. Her hair was matted to her head and her face shone in the burning glow of the nearby oil streetlamps. Her legs were splayed apart and twitched like she was in pain.
Dried blood and other fluids covered the girl.
She has already been raped, Ceira thought. Repeatedly. And they obviously hadn’t been gentle with her.
Pure fury filled her, and Ceira nearly lashed out, striking the Org-reh with a blast of Air. It would be so powerful as to cut the giant creature in half. But she didn’t. Her better judgment overwhelmed her.
Letting herself get captured wouldn’t help anyone. Better to escape and try to find help. Then they could mount a rescue.
The giant Org-reh turned and walked off down the street in search of fresh prey.
But things weren’t over for young Herae.
In the street below, Herae’s eyes were wide and open with fear as one of the giant spiders approached her. It walked around her. Evaluating her with its many cold unblinking eyes.
Then, in a flash of movement faster than the eye could follow, the Monstrum struck. It lunged over the girl and hunched its backside down towards her. A stream of webbing struck Herae’s chest and began to rapidly coat her body. The girl began to scream, and Ceira had to force herself not to intervene.
She knew what was happening.
The Factorum said the Arachma often bound their victims before raping them. As the spider began to cover the little girl with webbing, two more Arachma approached down the street, each carrying bundled girls underneath them.
Ceira could see the remains of mage uniforms under the webbing of these two bundles as well. She couldn’t tell which girls they were, but now she knew that three of the girls under her charge hadn’t gotten far.
She had failed her mission. She had failed the town. She had failed these young girls. She should have expected the flanking attack. Should have told the girls to run sooner. And now they would pay the price for her mistakes.
Below the window, Herae was now completely wrapped with the webbing, except for her crotch and the lower part of her face. The three spider creatures, chittering as they moved, stood over their girls, and began to sway back and forth.
Ceira had expected this as well. The Factorum had told her what was about to happen now.
“I need to see this,” she whispered, “I need to see it happen so that I can report on it. If I escape. The information could be invaluable.”
Leaving her window, Ceira crept across the room, down the stairs, and into the main part of the darkened pub.
She moved between overturned chairs and tables. Finally, she came to the main window that looked out directly onto the street. She let the light in her hand fade out and kept back a short distance from the glass, so as not to be seen.
She arrived just in time to see the Arachma’s cocks descend.
They were long, thick, and appeared to contain a dusting of hair running back up into the creature’s bodies. Their cocks extended down and stood waving below them. The organs seemed to twist and bend, flexible and built for probing into little girls. The cocks ran over the girl’s bodies leaving trails of shiny slime on what little skin was exposed.
All three girls had to know what was about to happen to them, Ceira thought. What is going through their minds?
The Arachmas knelt to reach the human bodies. Their cock’s dragged along the inside of the girl’s legs. Each girl began to squirm as much as she could in her webbed bonds.
Then the creatures drove themselves forward and penetrated each girl. Their cocks pushed past the girl’s small lips and sank into each child’s cunt at least an inch. The screams of her mages easily reached into the pub and echoed in Ceira’s ears.
She felt tears of shame and fear well up in her eyes. What was happening to them was all her fault. Focusing on Herae, who was closest to the window, Ceira tried to watch with clinical detachment.
The Arachma pushed hard against Herae’s body and soon two inches of its cock was buried inside of her. Herae was howling in pain and shuddering against the webbing as the nightmare creature began to defile her.
It pulled back a little way, letting its cock slide out an inch, before thrusting forward harder than before and, this time, forcing half a foot of spider cock into the nine year old screaming human girl.
Pulling back once more, it drove forward again, pushing even more of its thick cock into the tight pink slit at the center of Herae’s body. Ceira wondered, briefly, if the girl had been a virgin.
She certainly wasn’t now.
The monster took no care for the girl’s pain nor her suffering. Its eyes weren’t even focused on her. It simply shoved its cock, again and again, into her tiny cunt and slowly stuffed more and more of its spider meat inside of her.
In less than two minutes of this, the creature had gotten a foot of its prick into the girl and was pounding her with much of its strength. Ceira watched the long Monstrum cock run in and out of the mage much more easily now.
The girl’s screams had changed. They had gone from pain to grunts that were approaching the sounds of pleasure.
The monster was fucking the girl with at least a full foot of its length! What must that feel like?
Ceira briefly wondered, were the girls wet? Were they feeling excitement and arousal as their Monstrum masters fucked them?
Soon Herae’s grunts became howls of joy as inch after inch of spider cock plowed in and out of her young twat. She was bucking and writhing under the webbing. Her body responding to the rape with incongruous pleasure now, not the expected pain.
Over and over the Monstrum rammed its cock into the young girl. Over and over Herae screamed and yelled in unmistakable joy as the beast raped her without mercy.
When the first monster came it was into the girl farthest away from the window. Ceira could still see the girl arch her back and begin to twitch as the Arachma made one last thrust and emptied its cum into her tiny body.
Herae’s mate went next.
It pushed so much of its semen into the child that a stream of it squirted out of Herae’s cunt. The cum flew into the air to fall onto the muddy street below. Ceira could see that Herae came as well, her loud screams of pleasure echoing between the closely packed buildings.
When the final monster came, Ceira watched as the girl shook and shuddered through an orgasm of her own, before collapsing back onto the ground.
All three girls, their cunts filled with Monstrum sperm, lay in the street unmoving.
“Probably passed out,” Ceira whispered softly, “Or at least I hope so. The Conversion will begin soon.”
The Conversion was one of the most feared aspects of the Monstrum breeding. Not only was eventual pregnancy of Monstrum offspring nearly a given, especially with the quantity of sexual intercourse the creatures subjected their captives to. But their sperm caused the subject to be transformed in a variety of ways.
The body would adapt itself, slowly or rapidly depending on the Monstrum involved, to accept intercourse more readily. The girl’s vaginas, throats, and assholes would deepen and widen to accommodate the large monster cocks. Internal organs would shift to give the body more space inside. And, perhaps worst of all, the nerves and pleasure centers would be heightened to an unbelievable degree so that each time a girl would orgasm, it would feel better than the last.
Most girls who were rescued from the clutches of Monstrum captivity would fight to stay with their masters. They would beg to be left behind to experience more rape and breeding at the hands of their captors. There were even reports that women had killed themselves, rather than live among humans again.
Now these three mages that Ceira had left behind would already be undergoing those effects. They would begin the Conversion and soon would be nothing more than living breathing human vessels for Monstrum spawn. Her only comfort was that Arachma conversion wasn’t supposed to be as fast as some of the other Monstrum.
Maybe these three girls, if rescued soon, could be saved.
The street was empty now, except for the three spiders and the girls. This was her chance. Maybe she could rescue them alone.
Ceira reached out through the gem in her staff.
She prepared three long sharp needle-like blasts of Air. She readied herself to use them to pierce and kill the Monstrum. Then she could cut the girls free, and they would all escape together.
She was just about to use the spell, just about to strike the killing blow, when she heard a sound behind her. A chair scraping across the floor.
Ceira whirled around, her staff flashing, another spell at the ready, just in time to see the Rapewolf. It had snuck through the unlocked door. The beast leapt into the air and slammed into her chest.
The impact drove her out the window behind her and knocked her staff from her hand. She and the wolf fell into a tangle of glass on the muddy street.
She could hear the excited chittering of the spiders around her, but she couldn’t worry about them now.
Eyes wide with fear, Ceira rolled over and grasped around on the ground looking for her staff.
Unable to see or find it with her hands, she ripped open her uniform and grabbed for her dagger with her right hand. There was a gem mounted in it with enough power to kill the wolf and give her time to find her staff.
But it didn’t matter.
Looking for the staff took too much time and when she finally reached for the dagger the wolf was on her again. It grabbed her wrist in its jaw. The creature bit down hard enough to draw blood and twisted her arm away from her body and the knife in her belt.
“AAHHHH!” Ceira screamed as the creature yanked her arm painfully and began to drag her away from the building.
She reached for the knife with her left hand, only for one of the Arachma to assist the wolf. It slammed a leg down on her stomach and drove the wind from her.
Ceira doubled up in pain, gasping for breath, and rolled onto her side.
The Rapewolf let go of her and leapt on top of her as she was still gasping for air.
Before she knew it, the creature’s tentacles extended from the underside of its belly and wrapped around her. It only took seconds before the strong tentacles pushed her onto her back and then lifted her up to the wolf’s underside. Locking them belly to belly.
It was over. She knew exactly what came next.
“Oh, no…” was all she had time to say.
She felt the beast hunch its back and a shaft of pain lanced through her young body as the Rapewolf speared her cunt with its thick animal cock. It drove at least two inches inside of her, piercing her and sending a scream from her mouth to echo down the street.
Ceira wasn’t a virgin.
Though she had little patience for men, she had fucked several of her professors and one of the stable boys before. It had hurt the first time but been pleasurable from then on out. But now, with a canine cock slowly burying itself inside of her, Ceira felt a new level of pain.
Inches of dog cock slid into her cunt and sunk deep inside of her until the beast’s knot reached her lips and could go no farther for now.
The pain was enormous! She felt like she was being ripped apart!
The beast pulled itself back, withdrawing the organ from her slowly, and then thrust forward again to submerge it up to the knot once more.
Ceira hung upside down from the wolf’s body. Her head dangling down to face the Arachma. The three giant spiders were watching the mating with their many eyes. They had resumed raping the moaning girls below them.
I am about to become like them, she thought. About to become a tool for a Monstrum to breed.
The wolf’s long tongue probed Ceira’s face and slipped into her mouth to fill it with the animal’s saliva. The creature began to pick up speed while fucking her.
Her cunt was on fire as the secretions from the beast penetrated her skin and started the process of changing her little body.
In less than a minute, Ceira was jerking and twisting beneath him as her new master pounded at her pussy with all his considerable strength. Her body was betraying her as Ceira began to feel arousal and wetness around the beast’s cock. She would have been screaming and yelling for help, but for the tongue penetrating her mouth and slipping into her throat.
It went on for minutes, feeling like hours, before Ceira began to feel differently. There was still pain, but now a warming sensation began to radiate out from her crotch. Little tingles of satisfaction moving through her tiny form and sending her unwanted arousal rising.
When the wolf came moments later, Ceira came as well. Her body, constrained by the wolf’s tentacles, came around the beast’s cock and sent her into an orgasm that bloomed throughout her body like lightning.
She howled along with the wolf.
It was like a new world had opened for the young girl as her body squirmed and bucked with unbelievable pleasure beneath her new master’s hairy chest.
Ceira screamed as the orgasm hurtled through her tiny form. She felt alive for the first time in her life as the beast-induced climax burst in her brain and left her mind spinning. The effect was so strong that as it faded, she found herself unable to think clearly.
She felt cum, the beast’s cum, filling up her tight cunt and then running down her ass to fall to the dirt below.
And now it begins, she thought, the Conversion. Now my life is over. Soon I will be nothing but a bitch in heat, begging for dog cock.
Ceira, the fight gone out of her, closed her eyes and let herself collapse limply in the strong fleshy tentacle bonds that held her.
She heard the wolf bark at the Arachma. They chittered in return.
She opened her eyes again and watched, upside down, as the spiders picked up her mages and vanished down the street as a group.
Her wolf, her new mate, her new lover, turned the opposite direction. It loped off down the street with Ceira, formerly a powerful battlemage of Teleria, secured beneath it. It fucked her as it ran, its cock bouncing in and out of her battered cunt.
It felt wonderful.
She could feel it inside of her. Pulling and pushing at her flesh as the beast ran through the dark city streets. She came again as the wolf fucked her tiny cunt with its long red cock. This orgasm was even stronger than the last and it left her panting and wailing as her body reached new levels of joy and happiness.
Soon they joined a pack of other Rapewolves, little girls secured in various ways under each of the beasts and being raped just as Ceira was. The pack stopped in the street, in the middle of the burning city, and howled as one. The howl echoed through the streets and Ceira heard the call picked up by other nearby packs.
As the animal, which hadn’t stopped fucking her for a single moment since it took her, came for a second time, Ceira’s third orgasm overwhelmed her brain and she passed out. By the time she woke up later, still being fucked like the bitch she now was, it was already far too late for her.
Chapter 3: Madie’s Story
“It will be Ok,” Islla told the younger girl as she walked Madie down the front steps of the general’s residence and into the street below, “We have all been there at some point.”
Islla led the girl down the street towards the house where the five mages guarding the Eastern gate were staying.
“Really? Who did it to you?” Madie asked, not quite believing that the powerful Mage Commander had ever been subjected to such treatment as the general had given her.
“That really isn’t important right now. Normally I would put you on reduced duty for a few days, but I can’t spare you Madie. I need every mage ready to fight. The general is acting like an idiot.”
“What do you mean?” the younger girl asked.
Islla came to a stop in the middle of the street and faced her.
“He has split his forces. Rather than put them in the center of the city and react to an attack, he has spread them out at each gate trying to defend everything. Likely, if we get hit with a large attack, the guards, our troops, and our mages will be overwhelmed before we can fully react. I need you. I need you at your best. Now. We need you! Understand?”
The girl nodded and seemed to gain some strength.
“Now let’s go see the other girls and get you some food before I have to head back to my house and get some sleep.”
Islla, Madie, and the other four mages assigned to this sector enjoyed a nice dinner courtesy of the family that were hosting the mages in their home. Madie seemed to cheer up as the night went on. She was smiling and laughing by the time Islla left to return to her command.
Madie went to bed that Tuesday night and had pleasant dreams of being home. She dreamt of running in the fields with her brother Raymond and her sister Thea. Of playing hide and seek in the house and the dances in the town square.
But that was all before the mage testers came and identified her as having magical potential. She was bundled off to the Academy two days later and hadn’t seen her family since.
She woke Wednesday refreshed and feeling much better. Callie, the commander of the mages for this sector, assigned her to stand watch on the wall to the right of the big metal and wood Eastern gate. She watched the horizon most of the day, fearing any moment to see a Monstrum horde coming from far away.
When none materialized, she went back to the house and had a meal with her fellow mages. She was asleep and dreaming as soon as her head hit the pillow.
It didn’t last long.
“UP! EVERYONE UP!” came a cry from out in the hallway.
Madie’s eyes shot open, and she tumbled out of bed naked and onto the floor.
Madie stared across the room at her roommate Gia, and both nearly gave in to panic. But Callie’s voice from the hallway cut right through it.
“You heard him mages! We are under attack! Dressed and ready to fight! NOW!”
The two girls struggled into their mage uniforms and bolted out the door. The other three girls, including Callie, were just ahead of them on the stairs. All five of them reached the ground floor landing at nearly the same moment.
The mages burst from the main door of the house and ran right into the biggest fight of their lives.
The sixty soldiers that they were assigned to work with were already fiercely engaged with the enemy. The men had formed a ring in front of the mage’s house and were fighting side-by-side to protect the house from the Monstrum horde.
“GET THOSE FUCKING MAGES WORKING!” someone yelled from the line, as the Monstrum made a hard push to break through.
All four of the mages looked at their sector commander, Callie, and watched a smile come over her face.
“Kill them. Kill the enemy girls. Make it count.”
Madie stepped to the left side of the line and saw three Org-reh trying to make it through the ring of spears protecting the soldiers. All the mages in their group were powerful. Very powerful. In fact, Madie’s strength in magic was only exceeded by Islla among the group of 25 who left the Capital for Midland.
Now she was going to show it off.
She slashed a ribbon of Air through one of the Org-reh, cutting its ugly malformed head in half and sending its body crashing to the ground behind it. She speared the next one with a lance made of Fire and watched it die screaming in agony. The next one she hit with a hammer of Air that caved its skull in and dropped it onto an Arachma standing next to it.
Madie lost track of time and her entire world narrowed to the thirty foot tract of ground she was responsible for. As soon as a Monstrum reached the line, she engaged. Beast after beast fell in front of her as the men of the company held the line. Soon the enemy was having to step through corpses of their own comrades to reach the spear line.
Often, she could hear the shouting of the men or other mages, but none of it meant anything to her. She did her job, with a smile on her face, and she did it well. She thought briefly of the General, and what he had made her do, as she smashed a Rapewolf into blood and dust.
I wish that were the General, she thought.
And then something grabbed her from behind and began to pull her away from the line. She turned, fully prepared to blast whatever it was that dared to touch her, until saw that it was Callie.
The other mage was covered in blood. Some of it appeared to be her own as a nasty gash was marked across her forehead, nearly destroying her left eye.
“They broke through Madie! Fall back! Fall back!”
Madie let the other mage pull her away from her sector as the soldiers in front of her followed suit.
The girls fought as they moved, and the line swung inward on an axis. But it wasn’t enough.
In seconds the mages found themselves in a pocket of soldiers and surrounded. All around them the Monstrum howled and pushed against the spear line. The group was surrounded and cut off.
Madie looked around and saw that her roommate Gia was gone. She must have fallen, Madie thought absently. Then Callie was in her face once again and shaking her hard.
Madie turned back to the line and saw that it was falling back once again under the press of the Monstrum. She shook her head clear and began to attack over the line. Throwing Fire. Smashing with Air. Exploding the Earth below an Org-reh’s feet. Using every offensive spell she knew.
But it wasn’t enough.
There were too many Monstrum and not enough mages or soldiers. Soon the pocket had shrunk to just ten men and the four remaining mages. Just as they were about to be overwhelmed and crushed completely, an inhuman voice yelled out over the noise of the battle.
Immediately the Monstrum stopped their assault and fell back twenty feet on all sides, leaving the dazed group of humans staring slack-jawed.
“Make way,” another inhuman voice rang out, “Make way for Fang!”
To Madie’s right the crowd of Monstrum, unbelievably, parted and fell back more, leaving behind an Org-reh and a man mounted on a horse.
It was General Rotra.
The General sat astride his horse clad in his armor. There wasn’t a speck of blood or any evidence of the battle on him. Even his sword, which lay across his lap, looked brand new and unused.
His face held a slight smile as he looked across the gap between himself and the group of survivors.
Next to him stood the tallest Org-reh that Madie had ever heard of. Towering above the ground and carrying a double-headed greataxe in one hand, the creature was an imposing sight. It surveyed the carnage before it and smiled.
“General?” one of the soldiers nearest Madie called out loudly, “General Rotra, sir, what is happening, sir?”
The General moved his horse forward a few steps towards them, not paying the slightest bit of attention to the hundreds of vile beasts around him and clapped his hands.
“You men have put up a good fight here today. You have fought hard and achieved a great feat. But now the time for fighting is past.”
Callie pushed her way in between two soldiers and stormed towards the general on his horse.
“What do you mean that time is past? What is going on here? What have you done?”
As soon as the mage was close enough, the General kicked her in the face and knocked her to the ground.
“What is going on here, you little magical whore, is that we are surrendering. I worked out a deal. The men get to live and go free, if my new friends here get you and your mages.”
Madie rushed forward to help Callie to her feet. She couldn’t believe what she was hearing. Neither could Callie.
“You… you sold us out?! You sold us out??!”
“Yes, I did. And I got paid well for my efforts. Didn’t I Commander Fang?” the general said, turning to the giant Org-reh and smiling.
“You did. You made a great deal human. And here is your payment.”
The Org-reh pulled a huge sack of coins from its belt and tossed it to the General like it weighed nothing.
Rotra caught it in the air and his smile grew wider as he felt the weight of the sack.
“500 gold pieces. Enough to afford me a comfortable life near the ocean,” the general said, turning back to the survivors.
“It won’t work Rotra,” Callie sneered, now rising to her feet, and moving with Madie back behind the remaining soldiers, “No one will buy your story. How you and the men escaped while all the mages were captured.”
The general seemed to consider this for a second.
“You are right. General Fang, please kill all the men as well.”
“Gladly. I will gladly kill every one of them. Starting with you,” Fang said, smiling, as he stepped forward and buried his giant axe into General Rotra’s skull.
Rotra, a look of surprise on his face, dropped the bag of gold. It spilled out onto the ground beneath his horse.
“Kill them,” Fang growled, “Save the mages.”
The Monstrum line surged forward as General Rotra slipped from his horse and landed on the muddy street below him. The horse went down screaming as a group of Heyna fell upon it.
That was the last thing Madie saw before something hit her on the head and the world went black.
When she opened her eyes only a few minutes seemed to have passed. Madie was lying face down on the ground, her head turned towards where the remaining soldiers had made their final stand. Now just bodies remained.
She lifted her head and saw that Callie, and the other three surviving mages, were next to her.
Madie tried to move her arms and legs, only to find them tied tightly together. She was naked, her uniform torn away and tossed into a ball next to her. Next to that lay her precious white oak staff, shattered into three pieces.
Tears broke out of her eyes as she saw the broken staff and torn uniform lying in the dirt. She knew what losing them meant. She was a captive. A Monstrum captive. And she knew exactly what the outcome of that would be.
“Hello, little mage. Why do you cry?” came a voice from above her.
An Org-reh was kneeling next to her.
It wore leather clothing; unlike the others she had seen. Red painted stripes marked its arms.
A leader of some type, she thought.
Say nothing. It will only give him satisfaction and he will have enough of that soon anyway. But try as she might, her tears wouldn’t stop.
The giant ugly creature reached down and wiped a tear away from the child’s cheek.
“No need for that little mage. All will be much better soon. You won’t miss those terrible clothes or that funny little stick. Very soon you will forget all about those things and wonder why you ever cared about them in the first place. I promise you.”
Madie didn’t respond.
“You are a pretty one, aren’t you? I think, maybe, I will take you. Make you one of my wives. Would that make you happy?”
Madie began to cry harder and started to pray.
“This one is mine,” the Org-reh bellowed, pointing down at her.
“Yes, Captain,” came a cry from the other beasts.
The leather-clad Org-reh picked Madie up off the street and set her in a nearby cart that was pulled by a fat cow.
Then the raping began.
Only Org-reh remained in the square, the other Monstrum having run off for easier prey. The large foul creatures formed a line behind the three girls on the ground. Madie could see their cocks, easily two feet long and dark green, getting hard at the anticipation of what was to come.
The first Org-reh stepped up behind Callie and pulled her up so that her face was still on the street and her pert little ass was in the air.
Callie screamed as the thick Org-reh meat slammed into her crotch and drove her forward against the dirt. The Org-reh didn’t care. He just kept pushing his cock forward while pulling Callie back against him. Suddenly, with a loud satisfied groan, the Org-reh felt his cock head pushing the little girl’s lips apart and sank into her.
Madie could only watch.
Callie was bellowing in pain now. The girl was wriggling about, trying to get away from the cock that was impaling her cunt. But she was a plaything compared with the strength of the Org-reh.
The beast pushed forward harder, and this time penetrated half a foot of Monstrum meat into Madie’s friend.
The other two mages were experiencing similar treatment at the hands of their own Org-reh. Soon all three girls were tied up and thrashing on the ground with massive monster cocks in their cunts. The girls were giving off earsplitting screams every time the beasts thrust forward and pushed more of their pricks inside of their tiny slits.
Madie was transfixed by the sight as her former commander was taking inch after inch of forearm-thick cock into her body. She observed as the Org-reh pulled it nearly back out of the girl, and then drove it in again, deeper each time. The yells of pain echoed through the square and into the night.
And she felt wet.
Poor Madie, who was forced to watch, knowing her time was coming soon, felt herself getting wet as she watched.
Soon the Org-reh were pounding at the three girls as hard as they could. Claw marks scratched Callie’s side where the long nails of the creature held her tight. The thick hard Monstrum cocks rammed again and again into the captured mages, splitting their cunts apart and sinking deep inside of the tiny girls.
After several minutes of this, the yells of pain from the mages began to change. The deeper the Org-reh cock went into Callie, the less she screamed and the more her voice began to change in timbre.
She soon stopped screaming. Then she began to moan.
Soon the other two girls joined in moaning as the agony of being fucked by the thick cocks of the Org-reh gave way to a sense of pleasure within their human bodies.
The Conversion is already starting, Madie thought. This is just the very beginning. The Org-reh haven’t even cum in them yet. But the secretions from their cocks are already changing my friends into what they will become.
Without warning, the Org-reh raping Callie gave a loud yell of triumph and discharged his semen into the girl’s body. He continued to fuck her, even as he came, driving his cum deep inside of her to begin the Conversions effects on her ovaries and other organs.
The beasts would do this. Could do this. Over and over for hours on end. As their semen began the process of changing the girls into tiny human breeding machines to produce more Org-reh. Soon, Madie knew, these three former mages would be so far gone that they would be begging to be fucked.
She also knew that she would follow.
Callie came for the first time as the Org-reh withdrew his cock and sent a shower of cum leaking from her cunt. Madie watched her mentor wriggling around as the orgasm smashed through her and sent her eyes rolling in their sockets.
As the two other Org-reh came in their victims, the first Org-reh moved aside. Another one took his place.
This one didn’t let the fact that Callie was already leaking cum stop him. He placed the head of his prick at her pink cunt entrance and pushed himself inside.
Callie squealed at the intrusion and began to scream once again.
“That looks like fun, doesn’t it little one?” the Org-reh who had selected Madie said.
He was walking up next to the wagon that Madie was sitting in.
She kept silent and just stared wide eyed as the next two Org-reh stepped up to take their places behind the other two girls. Madie’s wetness was, to her horror, growing as she watched.
“You are enjoying this. I can tell,” her Org-reh said, looking at her, “I can smell it. I can smell your cunt leaking. I promise you will enjoy it even more when I make you into my wife.”
The line behind the mages was long and growing. The girls would be fucked for hours before they were done.
“No answer? Well, I will be hearing you speak soon enough. Take her back to the camp,” he said to an Org-reh holding the cow’s leash, “and chain her in my tent. I will be back later.”
“Yes, Captain Jori,” the Org-reh holding the leash said.
It was two hours later, after Madie had rolled through the burning city, that she finally arrived at the Org-reh camp.
Along the way she saw many horrors.
Male corpses, fighters, and civilians alike, being burned in piles. Women and girls, some so young as to barely be able to walk, being raped by all manner of creatures.
At one point she caught sight of a girl she thought was a fellow mage, named Ceira, with her legs wrapped tightly around a Rapewolf. The girl was screaming through what sounded like an enormous orgasm, but Madie couldn’t be sure it was her.
At the camp, Madie was taken from the cart and carried into the Org-reh’s enormous tent. Piles of looted treasures were heaped next to her.
The Org-reh who brought her there chained her to a curved metal rod that was driven into a stake just inside the entrance. He closed the tent flap and left her there in the dark.
She tried to pull at the stake, but it was driven too deep into the ground, and she couldn’t budge it.
Hours passed and Madie needed to pee. She stretched her chain out and walked outside. She went as far away from the tent as she could and pissed. Then she sat down just inside the flaps and watched the camp turn from night into day.
There was little movement at first. Mostly sentries walking around and the occasional cook getting up early to make breakfast for the camp. She didn’t want to think about what, or who, they might be cooking in the large black cook pots.
Soon tents started opening to let out Org-reh soldiers, many of whom looked to have been wounded. Many of them walked over to the mess area and began to eat.
Some of them passed her, sitting outside with her chain holding her in place, but none of them so much as gave her a glance. She was claimed property and the other Monstrum didn’t even acknowledge her.
Captain Jori, her Org-reh master, returned shortly after mid-morning. He strode into the camp with a broad smile on his face leading a line of warriors. Every one of them carried at least one young girl, with a chain around their necks. There had to be at least fifty Org-reh, and that meant at least fifty captive girls for breeding.
The incoming Org-reh mixed with those still in camp and soon a party broke out. Barrels of ale and wine were broken open. Toasts were made. Little girls were fucked openly as the party got into full swing.
Two Org-reh began to fuck a tiny young girl right across the road from Madie. She watched as one of the Org-reh lay on its back and thrust his cock into the screaming child as a second one of the beasts guided his own cock into the girl’s tight ass.
The creatures raped the girl for hours, stuffing their cum into her body until it leaked out freely from all her holes. The girl herself came as well. Madie witnessed the child go through screaming orgasm after orgasm as the Org-reh bred her like a piece of meat.
The party went on like that all day.
Madie was thirsty and starving by the time her new owner came walking back to his tent. The large Org-reh was obviously drunk and he staggered a little as he made his way over to her.
The Org-reh stood above Madie and looked down upon her in the dying light.
“You are a beautiful one, aren’t you? My name is Jori and I claim you as my first wife. You are going to make me very happy, little one.”
He walked inside the tent and picked up her chain. He pulled her onto her back, dragging her inside by her throat.
When he had her inside, he sat down on a chair and began to strip off the leather clothing he wore.
When he was naked, he stood and stretched his back. His cock, two and half feet long, wavered out in front of him. It nearly touched her face as it swung back and forth.
“You will be wanting something to eat and drink I imagine. I have just the thing for that. What do you know of the Conversion, little one?”
When Madie didn’t speak, he jerked her chain, pulling her painfully. When she was close enough to reach, he picked her up with one hand and began to fondle her tiny breasts with the other.
“I asked you about what you know of the Conversion. You will answer, or I will make you regret it.”
He took her left nipple in his giant fingers and attempted to twist it off her body. Madie screamed and wriggled in his grasp, desperate to make the pain stop.
He let go of her nipple and let her body dangle in his hand.
“What do you know about it?”
“Every… everything. I’ve studied it. Extensively.”
“In your precious book, right?”
Madie nodded, her free hand massaging her wounded nipple.
“I don’t know what the book says. I’ve never seen a copy. Only heard about it. But I am willing to bet that whatever is written down in that book pales in comparison to what the Conversion actually is. And I know how to prove that. You.”
“You. When I am done with you, I am going to have you write. I am going to get you a copy of your big book, then writing materials, and have you write about what you have experienced.”
He ran his hand down her body as he talked, his fingers spreading her legs and probing between them.
“I am going to have you write down all your experiences and tell the world, the human world, what your females can expect. The pleasures that they will go through when we conquer all your world. Then I will have the book sent to your human capital for all to read.”
Madie, gaining some strength and spirit, looked the Org-reh commander directly in the eyes.
“You won’t win.”
“Oh, little mage, we already have. We have already won, you just don’t know it yet,” the giant creature said, laughing at her, “And now, time to satisfy your needs. And mine.”
He dropped her to the floor and then pushed her onto her knees in front of him. His Monstrum cock, thick and glistening with precum, awaited her.
She looked up at him, fear quaking through her.
“You won’t get any food or water from me. This is all there is for you to eat and drink from now on. Get to work. If not, I might just give you to my men to loosen you up first. I would hate to do that. And you would hate it even more.”
Madie knew there was no choice. She opened her mouth to lick the tip of his enormous cock while her hands found their way up onto the shaft.
He tasted hot and feral. She gagged for a second and turned her head to the side.
“Don’t like it? You will soon grow to love it. Now please me or I promise I will sell you for all my men to use. Do you want that? Bent over in the dirt. Soldier after solider taking you in turns like they did on your friends. We left them there once my men had their fun. I imagine the Rapewolves or the Arachma have them now. Or maybe a Pander or Chama got to them. We brought some of both of those with us. It doesn’t matter, they are well on their way into the Conversion already. Now... please me.”
Madie’s hands began to stroke his long shaft while her mouth closed over his head and began to tickle the tip of his large green member.
His hands came down to her. His arms long enough to reach nearly everywhere on her body. One hand roamed over her chest, her young firm nipples standing out from it like little sensitive buds. His other hand explored her ass and she soon felt one of his fingers pressing against her tight brown hole.
Madie opened her mouth wide but could only get two inches of him inside as the giant Org-reh shoved his finger forward and violated her asshole. He moaned as her hands stroked him and pleased him while she licked and sucked the precum from his shaft.
Her mouth and hands tingled from the mucus on his skin, and, despite herself, she felt her cunt getting wet.
“Little mage… you are doing very well. You must have had some experience with this. Do they train you in this at that Academy? I imagine that they do. I imagine that all your teachers train you very well in the ways of pleasure. Fortunately for me.”
His meat was now slick with her saliva and her hands flowed up and down it as she fucked her face onto the tip. Her heart thudded in her chest and her own arousal was rising.
Madie did know about the Conversion.
She did know what would start to happen to her once he came in her mouth and she began to swallow his semen. The changes it would make to her. The powerful transformation it would make to her body and the havoc it would cause in her mind.
Already her mouth and tongue prickled as the secretions from his cock leached into her.
She worked her way up and down his shaft, licking as she went. She could feel the muscles under his skin, stronger than any human could ever be, as his cock twitched beneath her tongue.
Her own sex was soaked with her feminine juices as she pleased her new master. She could feel her nipples harden under his touch and her body betrayed her as she began to groan and move in response to his hands.
When the Org-reh came in Madie’s young mouth for the first time, she swallowed as much of his semen as she could.
Not out of thirst, though she was thirsty. And not out of hunger, though she was hungry.
Madie did it because she knew that the faster she could change herself, the sooner she would find happiness in her new life as an Org-reh breeding whore.
Chapter 4: Islla’ story
“These walls are strong Mr. Mayor, but you don’t have enough men to defend them!”
The mayor, a man of considerable stature within the town, huffed at her. He wasn’t used to being bullied by a little girl, no matter what her rank or how powerful she was.
“Listen to me girl, this is the best I can do. We cannot afford any more guardsman. They are working double shifts as it is.”
Islla glared at the man and debated using her magic to throw him off the high stone wall, just to see what it would look like when the idiot hit the ground.
“Then call up some of the militia,” she said, carefully enunciating every word, “You have already picked the surrounding land clean of food. You have it all in town. Two months’ worth of it!”
“So, enlist the farmers that came with it! Put pikes in their hands and bows on their backs and have them up here patrolling. So that when the attack comes, you will be able to at least slow it down!”
The mayor huffed again.
“There is no money for that.”
“MONEY?!” the young mage bellowed, “Money! We are talking about the lives of your citizens! The lives of this entire town, which includes you! Find the money! Go to your council, find some money, and come back to me with a plan by tomorrow morning! Now get out of my sight!”
The fat mayor huffed once more. Once again tempting Islla once again to hurl him over the wall. Then the fat man stalked away down the tower stairs and the street below.
“You didn’t have to yell at him quite so much, Islla,” came Teala’s voice from behind her.
Islla turned to see her best friend, and fellow mage, Teala, standing at a parapet nearby and looking off into the distance.
“I most certainly did. The man is a fool. You know as well as I do that we cannot hold this gate with these few men. Especially with our esteemed General Rotra spreading us out throughout the city to be beaten piecemeal. I almost think the General wants the city to fall!”
“And now you are yelling at me,” Teala said, with humor in her voice.
“Sorry. Sorry, Teala. I am just… just not sleeping well. Since we got here two nights ago, I am… I am so overwhelmed by what needs to be done to protect this city that I cannot sleep. And it doesn’t seem like I am getting help from anyone.”
“You are getting help from me.”
“Anyone except you.”
“Come over here for a moment and lean on this stone next to me,” Teala said, beckoning Islla with her hand.
Islla, the young Mage Commander, walked across the stone wall and stood next to her friend. She leaned forward and rested her head on her hands, mimicking Teala’s stance.
“Ok, I am here.”
“Good. Now look at that sunset. Look at the colors as the light fades tonight over those distant mountains. Look at the beauty of this world.”
Islla took a moment to look at the sun going down in the west before she spoke again.
“You know those mountains are in Monstrum territory, right Teala? They are literally crawling with things that want to rape us.”
Teala sighed.
“I give up. There is no reaching you.”
The two girls laughed.
Islla was in command of all remaining twenty one mages in the battlegroup, despite her young age. Teala, two years older, was her second in command. They hadn’t known each other before the trip started, but on the journey, they had become best friends.
“I am going to go get dinner, Mage Commander. I assume you will be staying up here to watch for the attack?”
“For at least a little while, yes.”
“Fine,” Teala said, “I will have someone bring something up for you. But once you have eaten, I want you to promise to go to bed. Even if you don’t sleep, the Mage Commander needs to rest. Promise me?”
“I promise.”
“Good. Expect some food and water within the hour.”
“Mead, please.”
“Good. Food and mead. It will be done, Mage Commander,” the other girl said with a smile, and then she walked down the stairs towards the ground.
Islla watched her go, and then turned back to watch the sun disappear below the horizon. I must admit, it is pretty, Islla thought. I just wish I had time to enjoy it.
She began to make a circuit of the wall for the tenth time.
She walked along the battlements from the Northern gate on her right, to the Western gate on the left, and then back again as the moon slowly rose. She was looking for any weakness or problem that might cause the wall to fail.
When she got back to the command post overlooking the gate, she found a cold plate of baked chicken and potatoes next to a warm glass of mead, waiting for her.
Islla wasn’t hungry, but she forced herself to sit down at the table and eat anyway. She ate while the guards on the wall changed shifts. She watched them walk their patterns back and forth in the night and wondered how often one of them slipped and fell to his death.
As the night dragged on, Islla’s eyes slowly closed, and she fell into a fitful upright sleep.
Part of Islla’s problem was that she held a unique place among the mages in the Teleria. She was the only living mage in ten years to witness a Monstrum attack first hand and actually escape unscathed.
Everyone thought her a hero for it. But Islla knew the truth.
She had been so young and naïve back then. Thinking her great power, the greatest of any living mage, would protect her from anything. Let her accomplish any feat. She knew and could use spells that even her teachers wouldn’t attempt.
She felt invincible.
Then came her fourth battle.
It was pouring rain that night and the patrol was operating out of a little town called Sway in the far eastern part of Teleria. There had been no Monstrum activity in the area for months, which is exactly why they were sent on patrol.
The area was too quiet.
As the soldiers and mages were heading along a road that looped back towards the town, the Monstrum attacked from ambush. Arachma. The spider-like creatures were known to hide underground and emerge rapidly to flank formations. But Arachma weren’t common in that area of the country, so Islla and the mages hadn’t set wards for them.
One second the rain was pouring, and the world was dark. The next second a solider, a young handsome boy named Michael, was the first to fall. He was dragged screaming into the night by one of the Arachma before anyone even knew the creatures were there.
Islla could still hear the screams Michael let out as he died alone in the darkness.
That was all the warning the patrol of eighty soldiers and seven mages would get. The soldiers fell back, surrounding their charges, as the mages quickly cast Fire spells to light up the darkness around them.
There were more Arachma moving in the darkness outside of the fires then Islla could count.
The creatures were smart. Too smart. They waited until the rain began to quench the fires and then attacked in force, slamming into the circular spear line, and driving the men back into the mage formation.
The men held, for the moment, as the Mage Commander for the patrol, Magda, yelled for her girls to get into the fight.
They did, all except Islla.
Earth spells began to geyser dirt into the air, sweeping the creatures off their feet and sending them flying. A spell of Air sliced two of the Archama in front half as Islla watched. A ring of Fire dropped from the sky to set several of the Monstrum alight, and they ran away burning.
But Islla couldn’t move. She couldn’t think. Her staff forgotten in her hand, Islla stood in shock as the soldiers fell back and began to die.
Suddenly the Monstrum broke through and a mage, Dawn, was yanked from her feet and carried away screaming into the darkness. Magda was the next to go. Screaming and clutching at Islla for help as she too was dragged away to be raped and bred by the spiders.
That finally woke the little girl up.
Islla, the last remaining mage, surrounded by the last ten soldiers, finally went to work. Ribbons of Fire. Huge slices of Air. Blasts of Earth. Islla unleashed everything she had against the Monstrum surrounding them. She turned in place, sending death and destruction everywhere she looked. Arachma died, and died quickly, under her grimacing gaze.
But it didn’t last long.
Two of the soldiers on her left were hit with webbing and went down. The others closed ranks, but it just wasn’t enough. Another soldier was grabbed and pulled away as Islla looked in the other direction. Then another.
Finally, there was just one soldier left. A young recruit that Islla had come to know on their journey. His name was Robert. When the Arachma came that final time, Islla watched as Robert was crushed to the ground and began to fountain blood into the air from terrible wounds.
That is when she vanished.
Islla had practiced the spell many times but had never been able to get it right. It was one of the few spells that, though she had the power to easily perform, she couldn’t quite master.
But there, in the darkness and rain, as the patrol lay dying around her, Islla reached for her power, waved her staff, and vanished into the night.
The Arachma searched for her, scuttling this way and that. Trying to find the little girl. But she was able to move out of their paths and avoid them finding her. She soon stood twenty feet away from the battle site.
She saw all that happened next.
Despite the steady rain the trees surrounding them burned bright and illuminated the area. Some of the Arachma began to feast on the soldiers. Alive or dead. Tearing away flesh and picking at the corpses.
But four of the creatures weren’t interested in food. They stalked into the light of the fires with bundled shapes held against their bodies. Four Arachma with four mages. Islla assumed the other two, out of the seven, were probably dead.
As she watched, the breeding began.
The Monstrum dropped the girls to the ground in a line. The mages were struggling against the webbing, moving, and fighting, but the bonds were too strong. Too stuck to their bodies.
Islla saw the cocks of the four Arachma extend from beneath their shells and line up with her friend’s uncovered cunts. The four creatures thrust their pricks forward and shoved them inside the young mages.
Each of the girls screamed at the penetration, but the monsters didn’t care. As the rest of the attackers feasted on human flesh, the four lucky Arachma began to breed Islla’s mage sisters.
In and out their cocks went, pushing against the girl’s holes and sliding in to rape them. Each time they thrust forward; they went in a little deeper. As minutes dragged on, and the rape continued, the other Archama stopped to watch, waiting in a circle for their own turn.
And Islla saw it all.
She saw the monsters get most of the cock meat into her screaming and wailing friends. She saw the mages bodies jerking and writhing on the cold wet ground as the Monstrum fucked their tiny frames in hard and fast pounding motions.
She eventually heard the girl’s screams change. From pure pain into something like pleasure as the first stages of the Conversion began to take effect. And Islla witnessed the four Arachma come, sending wave after wave of semen into their young captives and completing the first mating.
When the first four Arachma were finished they pulled themselves out and walked away. Islla was too far away to see it, but she was sure Monstrum cum was leaking out of each of her friends.
The next four beasts stepped up, their cocks already extended, and plunged them into the mages. Soon the four girls were screaming again as their bodies were violated once more. And, just as before, their screams eventually turned to pleasure as the Arachma finished inside them.
Isla watched. She couldn’t look away.
Eventually the Arachma began to use the girl’s mouths as well. It went on for hours and the sun was starting to come up. It was the first of what would be hundreds of breeding sessions these girls would experience in their lifetimes. Shortly, all four would be pregnant and would birth new Arachma into the world.
As dawn broke, the Arachma picked up the girls and vanished into the forest, chittering in celebration as they disappeared with their prizes.
When the patrol failed to return to the village, the citizens put together a rescue party and set out to search for it. They found Islla sitting alone and unharmed, surrounded by the picked over corpses of the soldiers, her staff missing. Buried by her own hands deep in the woods.
The villagers never asked her what happened. And by the time Islla had arrived back in the Capital she had a lie so airtight that no one would question it. She was given a new staff and hailed as a hero. She told the scribes what she had seen after the battle. Her information, they said, was invaluable.
And now, two years later, here was Islla. The coward. A Mage Commander.
She awoke with a start, surprised at even having been asleep.
Rubbing her eyes, Islla stretched her aching muscles and stood up. She walked out of the command post and looked around, trying to figure out how long she was asleep and what woke her up.
She saw the nearest guard leaning over the wall and looking at something down below.
She was just about to ask him what he was looking at, when a massive foot long arrow passed clean through his face and out the back of his leather helmet.
His body dropped to the stones below like a sack of flour.
“Shit…” Islla said, not really believing what she had just seen.
The young mage turned to look out into the night and saw nothing but darkness. But she knew there was more to see.
Grasping her staff in her right hand, Islla called forth the elemental forces. The immensely powerful and talented mage sent a massive burst of fire streaking across the sky.
Below it, clearly visible in the light, were the Monstrum.
How had they gotten this close, Islla wondered as she gazed down on a mixed force of a hundred of the creatures. That doesn’t matter, her mind told her, what matters is how we stop them.
“ALARM!” she screamed at the top of her lungs, “ALARM! MONSTRUM AT THE GATE!”
In seconds the guards nearby were screaming the same thing. The stupid ones were looking over the railing as the Monstrum below shot arrows up through the gaps in the stone.
She saw two guards hit almost immediately.
“Stop that!” she yelled, running along the wall, “Don’t look down! Get the oil pots ready to dump! Light your arrows and fire back! Sound the bells!”
Below her, alerted by her shouts and the guards' cries, the alarm bells began to ring loudly. At first it was just the ones nearest the wall, but soon other bells deeper in the city began to ring.
Islla was halfway between the gates, yelling at the guards to light the oil pots, when she heard a loud crash from the Western gate. She couldn’t see if in the darkness, but from the size of the sound she assumed the gate was breached.
She made a move toward it, before stopping herself.
“No… that isn’t my place. The other girls have that one. My responsibility is elsewhere.”
Yelling at the guards to start firing their arrows, Islla raced along the wall.
When she reached the command post she was heartened to see that her soldiers, all sixty of them, had answered the bells and were forming up behind the gate. Her mages, the four girls for this sector under her command, were racing single file up the tower stairs towards the top of the wall.
Best of all, she could see the mayor had already gotten some of his militia formed up and ready to assist.
“This just might work after all,” she said to the guard next to her, who looked back with eyes filled with fear, “Don’t worry. We will defend this gate. You will make it through this. Now fire those arrows.”
The guard looked skeptical but stood his ground and started to fire lighted arrows out into the night.
The flaming arrows missed most of the Monstrum, but they did what they needed to do, which was light the dry grass surrounding the town and set blazes running through the enemy lines. Islla could see some of the creatures reeling away as they caught fire and burned.
As the fires began to catch, Islla could see the true size of the horde they faced.
Hundreds of Monstrum were waiting for the gate to fall. She could see the spider-like Arachma standing next to packs of Heyna. Org-reh towering over neat battlelines of strange looking Chama. She even spotted a group of Pander, who were rarely seen fighting, armored, and waiting.
She was about to start casting spells when Teala and the other mages arrived, all of them out of breath from the climb.
Islla took a deep breath herself. It was time. She needed these girls to fight like they never had before. To fight and to win.
“Mages, I won’t lie to you. The odds are not in our favor. Fight smart. Use your best spells to take out the leaders if you can identify them. Try and bottleneck their forces at the gate once they breach it.”
“They will breach the gate? For certain?” Gretchen asked softly.
Islla pointed down to the assembled horde below.
“Yes. They will. And we must be ready when they do. Fight smart mages. Make every spell count. FOR TELERIA!”
“FOR TELERIA!” the other girls echoed, and then the crowd of soldiers and militia below began to chant the same thing.
Stepping to the parapet, Islla struck out at the assembled horde below. She cast her first spell just as the Monstrum landed the first blow against the massive gate with a giant battering ram driven by ten Org-reh.
The enemy took enormous losses from the mages, but within fifteen minutes the gate did fall with a crash and the Monstrum charged through.
What they met was a mixed human force of sixty elite soldiers from General Rotra’s s army, nearly 100 guardsmen from the walls and city watch, and a quarter of the 900 strong militia who had managed to assemble at the gate thanks to the ringing of the bells.
After a few moments rest, Islla and the mages charged down the stairs and joined the battle at ground level. As hard as the Monstrum pushed, the humans pushed back harder, and slowly they began to gain the upper hand.
The creatures began to fall back, crushed under the weight of the human advance, and retreated through the gate.
As a leading Org-reh fell and the humans found a clear path through the gate, a cheer went up from the assembled mass of fighters.
“TELERIA! TELERIA! TELERIA!” they cried as one voice in celebration of their victory.
Ignoring the men for the moment, Islla pushed her way through the masses of them searching for her mages.
She found them huddled around the base of the tower stairs tending to some wounds. Teala was bleeding lightly from her scalp, Gretchen had an arrow in her left arm, and the other two were covered in dirt and bruises.
“Teala! Let me see you!” Islla said, running over to her friend.
“Don’t worry with me,” the other girl said, “Help Gretchen. She is worse off.”
Taking that advice, Islla knelt next to Gretchen and began to examine her arm. The arrow had nearly gone straight through, and the wound didn’t look too bad.
Turning from Gretchen, she ordered the other two mages to the top of the wall to watch for more Monstrum. They nodded and obeyed.
“Can you heal her?” Teala asked, kneeling next to the wounded girl.
“No,” Islla said, “I need to save my strength. Here, let's bandage it and get her on her feet. Hold still Gretchen, this is going to hurt.”
The other girl clenched her teeth as Islla pulled the arrow through the wound and out of the girl’s arm. To her credit, the girl didn’t cry at all. Then Islla and Teala cleaned and bandaged the wound.
“Ok, Gretchen. That is the best we can do. I would let you go sleep, but I need you on the wall. Up you go.”
“Yes, Mage Commander,” the girl said, and started to walk slowly up the steps to the wall tower with her staff in one hand.
“Now, let me see you,” Islla said to Teala.
“It’s just a scratch. I took a glance from a sword. One of the militia. He wasn’t being careful enough.”
“I hope you hit him back.”
“Heyna tore his insides out. But I killed it.”
“Good for you.”
Islla probed the wound on her friend’s head and found it wasn’t that deep. She took some bandages out of her kit, cleaned the wound with fresh water, and wrapped it up.
“There. Done. Ready to go back into action.”
“About that…” Teala said.
“I lost my staff. After I killed the Heyna, I got knocked down and it fell from my hand. I looked everywhere but couldn’t find it. I’m useless.”
Islla took a deep breath. Teala was right, though harsh, a mage without her staff was useless. She had to think quickly about what to do with her friend.
“Ok, go to the top of the tower and keep watch. You are a runner now. If anything is approaching, you run down and find me while the others fight. Understand?”
“Yes, Mage Commander. I won’t let you down.”
“Go then,” Islla said with a smile and patted the other girl on the back.
As Teala began to rapidly climb the stairs upwards, Islla turned around to find the fat mayor puffing his way over to her.
“Mage Commander, we have a problem.”
“We have a lot of problems Mr. Mayor, which one are you referring to?”
The mayor frowned at her, but his eyes were filled with fear.
“I have runners from the other gates. All have fallen. Monstrum are running unchecked in the streets. Fires are spreading out of control. We… we appear to have lost the city.”
The breath whooshed out of Islla. She had been so focused on this one gate, that she had forgotten about the rest of the battle.
“Ok, then, we redeploy our forces and move into the city. We have troops with us. We can go block by block and…”
“My men are not troops, Mage Commander. They are farmers with pitchforks. Men with families. Families who are being killed as we speak. Many of them are refusing to go in the city and many others have abandoned us and gone off to find their families. I have less than 100 men left now, and more will leave.”
Islla looked at the man and wanted to strangle him. He told her the militia could be counted on, so she counted on them, and now it was a complete failure.
“It gets worse,” the mayor continued, “Citizens are fleeing in this direction from all areas of the city. Mage Commander, we need to get them out. We must retreat.”
“The city…”
“Mage Commander, the city is gone. All that is left are its people and we need to get them clear. Please help me do that. Isn’t that part of being a mage?”
That stopped Islla cold. The reason she was given command of the mages in the first place was due to both her strength in magic and her strategic and tactical prowess. Being a mage had nothing to do with protecting civilians or saving them.
The job of a battlemage was to kill, not save.
But as the mayor continued to speak, pleading his case, Islla thought of her own village. Of the people she left behind. Of her family. Her decision came quickly after that.
She interrupted the fat man mid-sentence by holding up a finger.
“We will quickly form a caravan and evacuate as many citizens as we can. But, in exchange your remaining 100 men agree to stay behind and help us defend this gate until the caravan is successfully away. We give them time to escape. Then, whatever is left of all of us will follow the caravan as a rearguard. Do you agree?”
“Agreed. What should I do?”
“The baggage train we brought is just inside this gate, so we can use that. Send your people out to find as much rolling transport as they can and bring it here. Horses as well.”
“Yes, Mage Commander.”
“Please tell your searchers that they have one hour. Only one. If they are not back, we will assume they are dead and put the convoy together without them. The 20 mercenaries that guarded the baggage train on the way here, will guard the convoy on the way out, with the offer of extra pay when they reach safety. The caravan will need to travel north, then west, and finally south around the Monstrum. Make that clear to whoever you chose to lead it.”
“Understood Mage Commander,” the mayor said, and then he turned and ran off to give the orders.
Islla walked across the bloody ground searching for the two captains that led her troops, keeping an eye out in case she saw Teala’s staff. She found the captains tending to other soldiers in a makeshift field hospital and explained her decision.
She could tell that neither of them liked the plan but wouldn’t argue.
“How many men left do you have who can fight?”
“39 unwounded, Mage Commander,” the oldest Captain said.
“And those that are wounded, but can still fight if needed?”
“Another five. Maybe. But they won’t be effective.”
“It will have to do. Put your wounded that cannot fight in the baggage train for evacuation. The five that you say can still fight, give them bows and plenty of arrows and put them on the wall towers. They can support us until their arrows run dry.”
“Yes, Mage Commander. But, what of the General? Any word of our other forces?”
Islla had let herself forget about the idiot General and his worthless plan. She ignored the question.
“Form your men in a semi-circle in front of the gate, far enough out that the convoy can leave behind us. The remaining guardsman and militia have agreed to stay and back us up. The mayor technically commands them, but if he argues with your orders, beat him to death for all I care. Until I release them, those men belong to us. Now, get to it while I get this convoy organized.”
Over the next hour more civilians arrived from other parts of the city with many leading horses and dragging food carts. Islla worked with the mayor and his staff to assemble the convoy. They stuffed the carts with as much food, and as many people, as could be found.
At the end of the hour, miraculously, there were sixty two wagons ready to go. When it was done, the mayor came running up to her.
“Finished, Mage Commander.”
“Then send it. Once it is away from the town and headed south, tell them to split in half and continue south.”
“Two convoys are harder to chase than one.”
“I understand. My men and I?”
“How many are left?”
“Only eighty militia left now. Plus, fifty guardsmen from the wall. Another twenty civilians have offered to stay and help us.”
“Form them up behind my men and wait. We will hold this point. We will hold this gate for as long as we can.”
Just then, Teala came running down from the wall tower.
“Islla, we can see fires starting closer and closer. The Monstrum are coming fast.”
“Thank you, Teala. Now, get in that cart.”
The girl looked confused.
“Get in that cart. I am sending you south with the convoy. Move. Now.”
“You have no staff. No means to fight. You are useless to me here, but you are useful as a messenger. Go to the Capital. Tell them what happened here. Tell them we held the town as long as we could.”
“Islla… I…”
“Go! Now! That is an order!”
Islla watched her friend’s face fall, but the girl obeyed and climbed up into the cart.
Ten minutes later the convoy was rolling down the road behind them as the sun began to rise in the east.
Mage Commander Islla deployed her men around the gate and prepared to hold it. Then she climbed the tower to see her remaining mages.
Minutes stretched into an hour. Then another.
All the while the fires that raged in the city came closer and closer. Islla noted that new fires started from time to time. The Monstrum burning out the citizens of Midland. Driving them into the streets to more easily be captured.
As she watched the city fall, Islla couldn’t help but think of what was happening at street level.
In the streets and alleyways. In the inns and houses. Even in the sewers that ran underneath the town, the Monstrum would hunt down every remaining human they could find.
The men and boys would be killed and eaten. Sometimes on sight, but other times they would be played with before being slaughtered. The Centarum were known to play cruelly with the men before cutting them down.
The women and girls, no matter their ages, would be raped without mercy. Even now as Islla watched from the high tower, she knew that somewhere a girl her own age was likely writhing on the end of some Org-reh’s massive cock as the creature howled in celebration. Or tied under a Rapewolf, being incessantly violated by the creature’s canine prick, and then knotted for breeding.
Everywhere Islla looked, though she couldn’t see anything yet, she knew the Monstrum were using their secretions and cum to begin the transformation of those little girls into breeding stock to produce more Monstrum.
Likely even some of the mages under her command were among them. Bent over on all fours taking a Centarum cock in their unwilling cunt or bound by web silk and being fucked by a huge spider.
All the while their bodies being modified to accept more and more rape. Learning to enjoy it and then love it. Soon those girls would be begging for the sexual attention of their masters. More rape. More breeding. More Monstrum.
And that was just the way it went, Islla thought. There was nothing she could do now to stop it. She had failed in her mission. Again.
She spared one last thought for Teala, hoping her friend would get away safely, before shaking herself out of her thoughts and preparing herself for the battle to come.
When the Monstrum finally arrived, they came hard and fast. One second the streets ahead of them were empty. The next second a force of creatures was emerging from the alleyways and side streets to pour into the main road ahead of the gate.
Islla looked down on her foe. There were too many. Far too many to fight and win.
But she and her people would sell their lives today to ensure that the caravan could escape, and that was enough.
The mages struck first, using Earth spells to explode the streets beneath the Monstrum as the creatures charged down the wide road towards the armed men below.
Most of the first four rows of Monstrum fell before they could reach the halfway point, but soon enough the tide was too much to hold back and then men were engaged closely with the foe.
“Get closer! Down the stairs!” Islla yelled at the mages, “We have to get closer!”
The three remaining girls followed her down the tower stairs, moving slowly so that they could continue the fight as they walked. Below them, men were dying in multitudes as the Monstrum forces overwhelmed the position and pushed hard towards the gate.
By the time the mages arrived, there were less than 40 men left, many of them wounded. Islla couldn’t see the Captains or the mayor, so she took charge.
“Fall back! Form a ring!” she called, “Protect the mages!”
The men obeyed and fell back into a circle, with the mages at the center. It didn’t matter, the tide of Monstrum was just too much.
The circle collapsed within seconds of formation and the Monstrum overran the position.
Islla watched a mage, she thought it was Rina, go down with a Centarum arrow to the head. Another girl, she couldn’t say who, was snatched by a bellowing Org-reh and thrust high into the air.
I won’t be taken, she thought, I won’t become a Monstrum breeder!
She pulled her belt dagger to slash her own throat when someone grabbed her around the waist and yanked her off her feet.
"I have you Mage Commander! Hold still!”
It was one of the captains.
“Form up!” he screamed, “Protect the mage!”
There were only seven men still standing, but they reacted to the call and fell back to form a small circle around Islla and the captain.
“We will cover you Islla. Run!” The captain said and suddenly he shoved her into a tunnel that ran beneath the wall, “Run! We will hold them off if we can!”
He slammed the door of the tunnel behind her, leaving her in darkness.
Without thought, Islla lit a fire in the palm of her hand and ran. The tunnels were tight. Only a half a foot above her head and just inches on either side. Almost as if they had been meant for a girl her age.
Something slammed into the door behind her, and she heard the sound of Monstrum bellowing for her. So she ran,.
Unsure where she was going, Islla ran down passageways, twisting and turning at random, until she was completely lost. Finally, when she ran out of breath, she ducked behind a barrel full of oil and collapsed to the ground.
She slowed her breathing and listened for any sign of pursuit. She heard none.
“The tunnels are too narrow. Too small,” she said softly, reassuring herself with her words, “I doubt any of the Monstrum could even fit in here. I’m safe for the moment.”
She closed her eyes, meaning to only rest for a minute, and fell asleep as the fire light in the palm of her hand vanished.
Two days later, driven by thirst and hunger, Islla opened a door set into the wall and peeked out into the street. She had been following the tunnels around and through the wall. They ran for miles around the city. She now found herself near what she thought was the Eastern gate.
Across from her hiding place was a small building. A sign out front that showed a loaf of bread. A bakery. Likely there was a source of water inside and maybe, if she was lucky, some food as well.
Islla forced herself to wait an hour, slowly moving her head outside the tunnel door and listening for any sound of any kind. When she heard and saw nothing, she slipped out of the tunnel, closing the door behind her, and crossed the narrow street to the shop.
The door to the bakery was locked. She quickly broke the lock with a tiny burst of Air and then slipped inside.
The shelves behind the counter were loaded with stacks of unsold bread. She moved around the counter. She snatched a roll of sourdough off the rack and shoved it into her mouth to take a huge bite.
She ate four of the dry rolls and then began looking around for water. Islla found several pails of it at the back of the shop where the bread was baked. There was a cot there for the baker to sleep in while the bread cooked.
She drank her fill of water and climbed into the cot to sleep.
When she woke, she ate some more bread and drank more water. She needed to pee, so she went in the corner of the store furthest away from the food. It was too risky to go outside.
When she was done relieving herself, she sat down to think. Talking to herself out loud always helped her solve problems.
“Do I stay here or try to escape now? If I stay, I may be able to gain some intelligence and then find my way home with new knowledge of the Monstrum. But I risk being caught and…”
She didn’t finish that thought. The idea of being captured, and what would happen to her when she was, was too terrible to think about.
“But if I go now, I might have a chance of catching the convoy if I move fast enough. They will be going slow with all those civilians dragging them along. Of course, I am sure the Monstrum are patrolling outside the walls, so I need to leave at night, and even then, I risk capture.”
She sat in the back of the bakery trying to decide the best course of action.
She was leaning towards trying to get out of the city that night when she heard noise outside the shop.
Islla walked to the doorway and looked out into the front of the store. Through the front windows she saw two large Org-reh with a pack of Heyna standing in the street.
Behind them, across the narrow street, was the tunnel she had emerged from. There was no way to get there without being seen and caught.
Behind Islla a stairway led up the second floor. She took it quietly, one step at a time, thinking perhaps to hide up there. At the top of the stairs was a door, unlocked, and she went through it.
The door opened onto the roof of the building.
She crawled through it, as quietly as possible, and closed the door behind her. Then Islla duckwalked across the roof until she was right over the spot where the Heyna and Org-reh had been seconds ago. They were still there.
“I tell you, the Heyna smell something,” one of the Org-rehs was saying to the other.
“It must be an old scent. We should move on. We have been over this area five times now. The longer this goes on, the less chance we have of finding a wife. We are the only ones who didn’t get one in the attack.”
“Let’s go then.”
A loud bark came from one of the Heyna and then Islla heard the group moving off down the street.
She risked looking over the edge of the building to watch them go.
When they were out of sight, Islla looked around at what was left of the city.
The fires were all out, though some areas still smoldered with small plumes of black smoke rising. She could see the Eastern gate clearly from where she stood. It was smashed in completely.
Then she noticed the pikes.
Every few feet a pike was placed against the stonework of the top of the wall, and something round was placed on top.
Heads, she realized immediately. The heads of the men that died in the battle. Some of my own soldiers are likely stuck up there.
The thought made her angry and brought tears to her eyes at the same time. She gripped her staff tighter and, not realizing how dangerous it was, she slowly stood up.
It was a mistake she would regret.
“I will survive. I will escape and survive, and I will come back here and kill every Monstrum I see,” she said softly.
Suddenly Islla was thrown off her feet. She was driven to the roof of the building by a terrible blow that knocked the wind from her. She had the presence of mind to roll with the blow and slide across the roof to land against the raised edge.
Looking back to where she had been standing, she found three Horrorcrows had landed near her and were advancing across the roof towards her.
She blasted the one on the right with a Fire spell, sending its body flying backwards in flames. The middle one she hit with a hammer of Air, crushing its upper body into blood and dust, and punching a hole in the roof. Still lying on her back, she was turning to face the third giant bird when a beak, leaning down from above, closed around her staff and yanked it from her hand.
“NO!” Islla screamed as the fourth Horrorcrow, that she hadn’t seen, flapped its wings above her and lifted off into the air with the precious pinewood staff.
Thinking quickly, as the last bird on the roof attacked her, she pulled her dagger and drove it into the beast's head, sending it squawking in pain away from her.
I have to get away! I have to get inside the building!
Now defenseless, Islla scrambled to her feet and ran for the door to the bakery.
She made it halfway before a blow to her back sent her tumbling face first to the roof. She felt powerful claws clamp down against her sides, drawing blood, and suddenly she was lifted into the air.
She looked up, as the city fell away below her, to see the giant crow she had stabbed, blood streaming from below its right eye socket, carrying her away.
Four other Horrorcrows joined the first. The five birds turned towards the distant mountains she and Teala had been staring at just days earlier.
Islla tried to fight. She wriggled her body and threw herself back and forth in the crow’s grasp. She beat at its talons with her fists, hoping it would drop her. Better, she thought, to fall to her death than become a breeder for the terrible beasts.
But nothing worked. The bird’s grip was too strong.
She screamed in frustration as the winged beast carried her out of Midland, over the nearby river, and deep into Monstrum territory.
Islla weighed her options. She would fight. As hard as possible. But with no staff and no dagger she had little hope. Still, maybe I get lucky. I might be able to run once it lets me down.
As they flew, her mind, trained to be analytical and pragmatic, went through what she knew of the Horrorcrows.
The face of a rat, with the body of a large black bird. Carrion eaters. They don’t fight alongside the other Monstrum. Known to frequent battlefields only after a Monstrum victory to eat the dead and dying left behind. Wingspan of forty feet and claws strong enough to crush a man with ease.
But nothing was known of their reproductive cycle, at least nothing was written in the Monstrum Factorum. It was assumed that where normal birds had a cloaca, Horrorcrows and their fellow Monstrum birds had evolved penises to procreate with human females.
I guess I will know soon enough, Islla thought dryly.
As they got closer to the mountains ahead, the other four birds turned and swung back towards the city. No doubt looking for their own prey.
Soon they reached the mountain passes and the Horrorcrow began to circle several rock outcroppings around a large spire jutting from the ground. As it descended, she could see nests atop each of the pillars. The outcroppings were just large enough to hold the nest and, on each side of the nest, was a sheer fall of at least fifty feet.
There would be no escape for her. Only death from a fall. And she felt as if she was ready to face that.
The crow flew over an outcropping, and she felt its claws release. It dropped her, accurately, ten feet down into its giant fifty foot wide nest.
She immediately rolled to her feet and looked around. The nest was made of large branches and woven together with a variety of materials.
Before she could move the large Horrorcrow landed beside her.
Islla recovered her senses quickly and turned to face off with the massive creature.
“Fuck you,” she said, hoping the words would give her courage.
The crow turned its head to regard her and seemed to issue a soft cackle.
Then it lifted its wings and flew off into the sky. She watched it leave, knowing that leaving her alone would give her a chance to throw herself to her death.
“Take off your clothes. He wants you naked.”
Islla turned at the sound of the voice to find a girl already in the nest. The child was sitting on a pile of furs ten feet away. Her belly was swollen and hung out from her body. Her breasts, though small, were engorged with pregnancy.
“You can either get undressed yourself or he will hurt you until you get undressed. It isn’t worth it to fight. He will get his way.”
Islla walked over to the girl and looked down at her. She couldn’t have been more than six, yet, here she was, pregnant and already very far along. The girl rubbed her belly lovingly.
“You should give in. It feels wonderful. He will make you very happy.”
Islla regarded the girl for a moment.
“You could help me escape,” Islla said.
“If you try, I will fight you. You belong to him now. Just as I do. Give in.”
“I could jump to my death.”
“You can’t. I tried. The walls of the nest are too steep to climb. Give in. Accept it. This is my fourth baby for him. I love him so much.”
Islla turned around in a circle to look at the walls of the nest. They rose, curving back hard, at least twenty feet in height. They were woven so closely together, and sealed with something, that she couldn’t see any gaps to get her hands or feet in them.
“It won’t work. I tried. You can’t climb them,” the girl said again.
There was a cry above them and suddenly the massive Horrorcrow had returned to the nest. It landed in a whirl of feathers and dropped a half of a deer on the nest below.
“That is for him to eat. After you mate. He always likes to eat after. Give our master what he wants. There is nothing else you can do,” the girl said from behind her, “Give in and become like me. You can be happy here.”
Islla stepped forward to regard the bird. His ugly rat face. His giant black wings. The huge talons that he stood upon. And, growing from between his legs was a very human-like penis, though far larger than anything a man could dream of having. It was blue, the color of berries, and had small ridges running the length in swirling patterns.
Islla realized that there was only one choice. She ducked her head and ran for the edge of the nest, hoping to try and climb it and maybe leap to her death.
But the bird was faster, and she took less than five steps before it reached out with one talon and shoved her onto her back with one swipe. She scrambled to her feet again and ran the other way, only for the same thing to happen.
This time she was certain she heard the bird laughing at her.
“You can’t do that. He won’t let you. Listen to me, please. You don’t want to be punished. Give in. We can be sisters. Our babies can play together and grow up together. You will love being with him. Give in.”
Islla rose to her feet and stared the huge black bird directly in the eye.
There was no choice. She couldn’t fight and, for the moment, she couldn’t escape to her death. Maybe later, once he was gone, she could try to climb the impossible walls. But, for now, there was no choice.
She reached behind her neck to undo the allocite collar and began to strip the dreamcloth from her body. Then she stepped out of her uniform and tossed it to the side.
The big bird dipped its head and squawked at her. When she didn’t move, it did the same again.
“He wants you on your hands and knees, away from him, for the first time. It makes it easier.”
“How do you know that?” she asked, not looking away from the bird.
“He taught me. He punished me until I learned. You don’t want to know how. Give in.”
Islla turned from the bird and got down on her hands and knees facing away from it.
She felt the nest shift from its great weight as the giant crow walked forward and leaned over her. He rested his prick on her back and it ran all the way from the crack of her ass to the top of neck.
“There is no way that can fit in me…” she muttered.
“He will make it fit. You will love it.”
The feeling of its huge cock as it ran down her spine sent a shiver through Islla’s body. She could feel a wetness from it running down her sides. Her skin prickled where the wetness touched.
The secretions a Monstrum prick created to make it easier for copulation with a human female. It was the beginning of the Conversion, Islla thought in a detached way as her brain tried to disassociate.
She felt the bird’s cock lift from her body and then it slipped between her legs to slide between her thighs for a moment, before leaving her body entirely. One of its large claws wrapped, with surprising gentleness, around her and held her still.
When it happened, it happened quickly and painfully. Without her body being able to put up any resistance, the bird stuck its cock home into her pussy, sending six inches deep inside her clutching pink cunt that had only known human cock before.
“Please, Gods… kill me,” Islla, the former Mage Commander and the most powerful mage of her age, screamed as the beast penetrated her cunt and began to fuck her.
In and out it thrust its Monstrum cock, feeding more and more of it into the tiny child as it squawked in celebration. The ridged bumps slid along the inside Islla’s cunt and, instead of feeling painful, began to send a warm tingling feeling of pleasure throughout her body.
“It is happening so fast…” she said, as the feeling of the cock violating her had quickly become bordering on pleasurable.
The nipples on her tiny tits got rock hard as her body bounced in the chill of the mountain air.
Her pussy would close around the bird’s cock every time it withdrew, her unwilling body now desperate to try and hold the thing inside. And those same pink walls would gladly part moments later as the prick was stuffed in once again, going further inside of Islla each time.
Soon she could feel it. A tingling and heat inside her cunt. Spreading to the rest of her. The first stages of her Conversion were beginning.
Her first orgasm took her by surprise as it blew up in her mind and sent her thoughts spiraling. It was the ultimate in pleasure! She never imagined that anything could feel this good!
Her body was rocked with the feelings of pure joy that she had never known before. A height of magic that she had never been able to touch. A filthy horrid Monstrum unlocking the secret to a human woman’s unbelievable ecstasy.
“Give in sister!” the girl cried out as she saw Islla cumming, “Give in and he will make us the happiest girls in the world!”
As Islla came down from her first climax, she was breathing hard. Her body was responding despite her best efforts. Her cunt was wet, and growing wetter, and her arousal was rising within her.
She had another climax a few seconds later, her body quivering as the delight of it blasted her mind into a million little pieces.
Her lover came soon after, putting gallons of Monstrum cum into her young body and sending her into a third orgasm just minutes after the first two.
When the bird was done, it pulled itself out of Islla. She turned around to find that it had begun to eat the remainder of the deer, ignoring her for the moment.
Her mind had returned to her and Islla was overcome with shame. She wanted it to continue. She wanted more of him inside of her.
Only one mating, one single time, and she was already craving more.
Her cunt was on fire as the beast’s semen began to seep inside of her body. She knew what was happening to her and that it was only the beginning. She would need to eat soon, and that probably meant feeding from the Monstrum’s cock. According to the Factorum that was all most Monstrum fed to their slaves.
“Don’t worry,” the other girl said to Islla from across the nest, “He will have you again very soon. Let him eat first. Come to me.”
Still on her hands and knees, and in terrible pain now that her first mating was over, Islla crawled across the large nest and collapsed onto the furs next to the very pregnant girl.
“My name is Mariea. What’s yours?”
“I am so happy to have you as a sister, Islla. I never had one before.”
After a moment, during which she felt the fire in her pussy begin to expand into her stomach and chest as the fluids seeped through her, Islla replied.
“I’m happy too.”
The End