Monstrum Tribute: The Fall of Midland - Part 4
By Chrissy
Thank you to WintermuteX for their stories and the inspiration. You have created a great world to write in.
Content: Rape, Monster Rape, Young Girls, Magic/Fantasy, Gore, Death, Bondage, Pedophilia, Pregnancy

Chapter 1: The Scouts
“It is her. It is definitely Islla.”
“How can you be so sure?”
“I roomed with the girl at the Academy. Trained with her. Marched next to her. Fought beside her six times. I am telling you, that is Islla.”
“I just wanted to make sure that you are sure.”
Mishelle lowered the eyeglass and turned back to look at her commander, Farrah.
“I am.”
Farrah gave a sour look and began to write notes in the book open on her lap.
“Any idea who that is with her?”
Mishelle turned back and put the spyglass to her eye once again.
Two hundred yards away from the scouts, as they crouched in some scrub brush on the mountain side, Mishelle could see two girls in a giant bird’s nest. The girls were curled up together, lying naked on a large mound of furs, and basking in the bright sun.
“No, no idea. Never seen her before. She looks too young to be a mage. Likely a girl from Midland.”
“That tracks. Any chance of a rescue? Islla is the most powerful mage alive. We could use her help,” Farrah said.
Mishelle twisted the eyeglass, focusing in closer. She saw her friend laying on the furs with a smile on her face as she enjoyed the warm sunlight. The former Mage Commander’s belly and breasts were swollen with pregnancy.
“No. Even if we could get up that high, she is already pregnant. The Conversion is too far along.”
“Are you sure?”
“That she is pregnant? Yes. I am sure of that. It is impossible to miss.”
“I mean that the Conversion is too far along. We don’t even know the Monstrum species.”
Mishelle sighed. Despite Farrah overseeing the scouting mission, sometimes it felt like the girl was too wrapped up in taking notes on her observations, rather than actually observing.
“Species doesn’t matter. Pregnant is pregnant. If she is that far gone, it is likely that she is too Converted to save. She would probably fight us if we tried to take her away. Even if we could reach her, which I doubt we can.”
“I understand. I don’t like it, but I imagine you are correct. Let’s wait here until dark and see if we can discover the species. Then work our way back to the others.”
The two young mages sat in the scrub brush watching the nest as the hours ticked by. They had a small snack of hard bread and cheese around midday.
Eventually the sounds of wings beating the air filled the sky and a huge black beast descended to land in the nest.
“Horrorcrow. Interesting,” Farrah muttered as she went back to writing, “Not much is known about them. Especially their mating.”
“Well,” Mishelle said, “I think you are about to find out.”
Through the eyeglass, Mishelle saw Islla, and the other girl get to their feet and move towards their bird master. The other girl moved quickly, but Islla waddled as her pregnancy appeared to be very far along.
The beast dropped a carcass, the remains of a cow, onto the nest and then gave a loud squawk as its breeders came towards it.
Halfway across the nest, both girls sank to their knees and looked up in rapturous joy at the creature above them.
“What is happening?”
“Don’t you want to see?”
“No… I don’t think so. Describe it.”
Mishelle focused the eyeglass again just in time to see the Horrorcrow’s massive blue cock emerge from its body and extend into the air. The beast took a step closer to the two human children.
Both girls, smiling and laughing, reached out to grasp the crow’s cock and began to lick it, while their hands worked its length.
“What is happening?” Farrah asked.
“They are using their hands to please it and licking its cock.”
“Both of them? Is it big enough for both to do that?”
“More than big enough,” Mishelle said, as she watched the younger girl licking up and down the bird’s erect member and Islla using her hands on it.
“That is very interesting.”
“No,” Mishelle said as she watched the scene, feeling nauseated seeing her old friend Islla licking a Monstrum dick, “It really isn’t.”
Before her eyes Mishelle was witnessing something she had only read about or seen in illustrations in the Monstrum Factorum. The pictures in the book had always made her blush. The girls in the cutaways and illustrations always seemed to almost be enjoying their rape at the hands of the beasts.
Now here she was, confronted with it in real life. And what she saw next shocked her.
As the two girls continued to please the beast, Islla opened her mouth wide, wider than Mishelle would have ever thought possible for a human to achieve, and slowly swallowed every inch of the Horrorcrow’s cock until her face was buried in its feathers.
“Oh… Gods…” Mishelle muttered.
Islla began to move back and forth along the beast’s cock, pleasing him with her mouth and body. The younger girl leaned behind Islla. The girl stuck her face in the older girl’s cunt to begin eating her out.
The Horrorcrow flapped its massive wings once and then began to hump its lower body forward, driving its cock into Islla’s gaping mouth as the girl’s body shook from the pounding.
“And now?”
“Islla has its entire cock inside of her. The whole thing.”
“How big is it?”
“It is at least two feet, likely longer, and several inches around,” Mishelle observed as the Horrorcrow thrust in and out of her pregnant friend’s open face.
“All of it? That big, and all of it?”
Mishelle focused the eyeglass closer and saw the thick bird cock, so very human-like, sliding wetly in and out of Islla’s open willing mouth.
“Yes, all of it. Every centimeter.”
“What color is it?”
“Blue. Like blueberries.”
Mishelle watched as Islla’s heavy milk-swollen breasts and pregnant belly swayed and bounced underneath her as she sucked her master’s prick.
‘The Conversion,” Farrah replied absently, still writing, “It changes the body radically. Likely her other orifices are equally capable of taking such size. The other girl?”
“I am sure you are right. The other girl is pleasing Islla.”
“Fascinating. Pleasing how?”
Mishelle focused the eye glass onto the other girl and saw that she appeared to be driving her hand and arm in and out of Islla’s body.
“I can’t see very well, but it looks like she is ramming her fist into Islla.”
The two mage scouts fell silent as, two hundred yards away, Islla was sucking on the giant bird cock while the unknown girl fist fucked her cunt.
Soon the crow began to flap its wings and Islla pulled back from it with a mouth full of Monstrum cum. Mishelle could see the thick white sludge inside the girl’s open mouth and running in rivers down her chin and chest onto the nest below.
Islla, her body swollen, shifted around to face the other girl, and kissed her. Their mouths closed around each other, and the two young girls began to share a meal of the creature’s cum.
“It is feeding them this way. With its cum,” Mishelle said, her stomach in revolt, “Feeding them on its cum. They are… sharing it.”
“Yes, that makes sense. Most Monstrum feed their captives that way. It furthers the Conversion, and it is an easily obtainable food source that doesn’t need to be cooked to be eaten.”
Mishelle, of course, knew that already, but she let Farrah talk. Farrah’s detachment was making the whole thing worse for Mishelle, but she didn’t let the other girl know.
Once the kiss was over, the younger girl maneuvered around Islla and presented herself to the crow. The massive beast wasted not a moment before lining its cock up with the tiny human’s cunt and thrusting it inside.
Mishelle saw the girl’s mouth open wide in obvious pleasure as the beast thrust inside of her. The strange girl smiled and wiggled in place, her body swaying on the end of the creature’s big blue prick.
The scouts were too far away to hear anything, but Mishelle imagined she could hear the moaning and screaming of the little girl as the monster penetrated her pussy and began to fuck her.
“The little one is on her hands and knees. It is fucking her. She can take the whole thing as well. I think I can see it distending her body. Oh, that is so… awful!”
“Well, the Conversion rearranges the internal organs. Even a girl that small…”
“I know all this Farah,” Mishelle said, with a twinge of anger.
The girl was literally bouncing up and down on her hands and knees as the bird fucked her cunt Mishelle watched as the blue prick slid in and out easily and the girl writhed and squealed as her mate bred her cunt.
“Of course, sorry. I just find this all very intriguing. Do you think the Horrorcrow can come again so soon?”
“We know other Monstrum can come multiple times in one session. The Heyna are known to be able to recover very rapidly.”
Mishelle didn’t reply to this. Her eyes were drawn to Islla, who had lain down on her back and slid underneath the other girl. The former mage was licking and sucking at the other girl’s breasts.
“What is Islla doing?”
Mishelle described the scene as she watched the now-converted mage pleasure the small child above her.
Islla worked her mouth and hands over the younger girl’s chest, seeming to tease and play with the girl’s nipples. Meanwhile, the crow was shifting its body to pound into the child from behind, her cunt stretching grotesquely to accept the bird’s huge prick inside of her.
The expression of pleasure and delight on the girl’s face was clearly visible in the spyglass.
After a few minutes of this, the huge bird began to flap its wings again and the little girl, still impaled on its cock, jerked, and writhed around in happiness. Mishelle again imagined that she could hear the girl crying out in pleasure. Through the looking glass she could see thick Monstrum cum welling out from around the beast’s cock and dripping down the girl’s legs.
“I think we have our answer,” Mishelle said, “Looks like another ejaculation.”
Islla shifted herself until she was under the mating pair and began to lap at the cum running down the girl’s legs.
Mishelle’s stomach churned, and she had to look away.
“Anything else of note?” Farrah asked, continuing her manic writing.
“No. Nothing else.”
“I have the location mapped and noted. The sun will be down soon. About an hour. Let’s get ready to move once it is dark.”
“Sounds good to me,” Mishelle replied, trying not to think about what else might be now going on in the nest.
But her eyes were drawn back to it.
She raised the eyeglass once again and took a quick look inside the wooden structure. She was greeted by the site of Islla, former Mage Commander, on her back with the Horrorcrow fucking her madly. Islla had an enchanted smile on her face as the bird battered at her small body. She watched just long enough to see her friend come around the bird’s dick. Writhing and squirming in pure ecstasy.
The two mages sat quietly for the next hour as the Horrorcrow took to the skies once more. It flew off in the direction of the captured city of Midland. Mishelle couldn’t see it, as the burned-out city was nearly forty miles away, but she knew it was there.
As the light faded, she opened the spyglass one last time and investigated the nest. Islla and the unknown girl were curled up together, this time mostly under the furs, and fast asleep. The smile on Islla’s face made Mishelle shudder.
When darkness had fallen, Farah and Mishelle crept from the thick bush. They made their way back along the stony ground to where the other three mage scouts were hidden. The other girls were in a set of thick pine trees near a ridge two hundred yards further up the mountain.
As they got closer, Farrah let out a soft whistle, imitating a bluebird, to let the other know they were coming.
The call of a second bluebird answered.
When they got inside the camp, they found the three girls sitting beside the remains of a small fire. The smell of roasted meat lingered in the air.
None of the mages wore their traditional allocite and dreamcloth uniforms. Those were packed away at the bottom of their mage sacks or in backpacks they carried. Instead, they wore green and khaki camouflage survival gear. It wouldn’t hold up under magic use like their uniforms, but they also wouldn’t stand out walking around unable to blend into the territory.
“You risked a fire?!” Farrah said immediately, scowling, ready to chastise the three girls they had left behind.
“Calm, Farrah,” the oldest mage, Tif, said, her hands raised in a placating gesture, “We did it after dark and only long enough to cook the two squirrels. We were tired of dried beef and cheese.”
“I don’t care when or how long it went on for,” Farrah said in a sharp shrill whisper, “We don’t risk fire here on the mountain. You could have been seen! You jeopardized the mission!”
“But we weren’t seen, Farrah,” said little Yvette, handing over a large piece of squirrel to Farrah and Mishelle, “And now there is fresh squirrel.”
Farrah stared at the meat in her hands, still scowling and angry, then handed it back to Yvette.
“I'll have beef instead.”
Mishelle, knowing that the deed had already been done, leaned against a tree and ate her half of the squirrel happily as she looked around at the group.
Farah, the mage Mishelle had spent most of the day with, was their leader. The girl was known for her spell work and excellent academic prowess, but not so much for her field command expertise. Farrah had been chosen to lead the mission for reasons Mishelle couldn’t fathom. She liked the girl, but as a commander Farrah left a lot to be desired.
Yvette, the only real battlemage among them, and the youngest at only eight, was their firepower. She was there to make sure that if they were discovered, they had a fair fight on their hands. Mishelle thought Yvette was a little too arrogant, but she had to admit the girl was skilled. She just hoped the girl’s attitude wouldn’t cost them.
Tif, the eldest at eleven, was the hunter. She had spent her life before coming to the Academy in mountainous terrain like this hunting with her family. Tif was the best hunter Mishelle had ever seen. Mishelle liked Tif the instant she met the girl, though she quickly discovered that Tif could be a wild card when given too much freedom.
Then there was Reese, their scout. Not strong enough to be truly effective as a magical weapon, but adept at getting in and out of anywhere unseen, Reese was phenomenal at reconnaissance. She could track, scout, and nearly disappear into any environment. The girl was quiet and unassuming, with a personality to match her natural skills.
Finally, there was Mishelle herself, a jack of all trades. Powerful enough, though not as strong a Yvette. Skilled enough, though not as good a hunter or scout as the other two. And smart enough to be the actual leader if it weren’t for Farah’s appointment. Mishelle considered herself to be the rock of the team. Dependable, efficient, and always there to be of service.
The girls had been together for over a year now. And, despite their differences and quirks, Mishelle thought of them as sisters. She would die to protect them and knew they would do the same for her. It was an unspoken bond they shared.
The five girls had spent the last twenty days scouting the areas north of Midland. Their mission was to find and map the locations of Monstrum camps, nests, and defenses. This was all in preparation for an attack to retake the fallen city.
Their team was part of the relief column, over three thousand troops and 120 mages strong, that had been following General Rotra’s elite battlegroup party. That force was to hold the town until help arrived, but the General and his small army had failed badly. Now it was up to the relief column to conquer the Monstrum and retake the city.
“What did you see today?” Tif asked as the girls settled down to get ready for bed.
“Islla,” Mishelle replied sadly.
“Islla!?,” Yvette asked, leaning forward, “Where? Where was she?”
“Don’t get excited. We can’t reach her. A Horrorcrow has her in its nest. She’s pregnant. Very pregnant. So even if we could reach her…”
“She is likely too far gone,” said Reese, finishing her sentence.
“What was she doing in the nest?”
“You know what she was doing. She had another girl with her. They were… making the creature very happy.”
“Happy? How?”
“You’ve read the Factorum. You know exactly how.”
The three girls who had been left behind all turned a little green at hearing that.
“That makes two,” Farrah remarked, changing the subject, “Islla with the crow and we spotted Ceira with the Rapewolves outside their den. Two mages confirmed captured. I think we must assume they all likely were. Captured or killed.”
“I swear I saw Teresa with the Centarum in the field outside the city,” followed up Yvette, “When we saw them gathered near that abandoned farm.”
“You think, but you can’t be sure. She was too far away. And we must be sure,” Farrah replied, “We all know what could be happening to them. I don’t want to assume the worst. With any luck, Teresa is dead and not… you know…”
“Funny,” Yevette quipped, “That death isn’t considered the worst thing that can happen.”
All the girls nodded. Thinking about what it meant to be captured. They all knew the price that came with being taken by the Monstrum.
What the rulers and the mages of Teleria knew, but the general populace did not, was that there were no females among the Monstrum races. Whether it was Org-reh, Arachma, Heyna, or any of the other species, no females existed.
The Monstrum could only reproduce, only breed, with human females.
Girls as young as four, up to women in their late teens, were taken by the Monstrum to become breeders for new Monstrum male children. Taken and raped and used for their bodies until they got too old to be suitable. All the girls underwent the process of Conversion to make them fertile.
The chemicals in the Monstrum semen were the key.
Monstrum semen, when it met human female flesh, would seep into the girl’s bodies, and begin to change them. Vagina, mouth, and assholes would all toughen and lengthen within the body to allow the girls to accommodate the large Monstrum cocks. Their internal organs would shift as their ovaries were changed to accept the sperm and allow them to become pregnant.
By the time of the first pregnancy, the girl’s minds had been changed as well. Warped and twisted. They began to love the treatment they received from their Monstrum owners. Loving the creatures and even craving the sex that came with it. Girls rescued from Monstrum captivity withered and died or sometimes killed themselves. Often refusing food and water and demanding to be sent back to their masters.
Before she joined the scouts, Mishelle had been part of a rescue mission. They were sent into a captured village to retrieve seven wounded mages that had been hidden and left behind in the evacuation. The Centarum, half-horse half-human warriors, fierce and deadly in battle, controlled the city.
Mishelle, fifteen other mages, and over four hundred troops had been dispatched to retake the small town defended by an unknown number of the mutant horses.
When the battle was finished, they found all seven of the captured mages. They were clamped in stocks in the center of town. They were among twelve other young girls that had also been taken when the city fell. The girls all cried out to be let go and given back to the Centarum. Even the mages, once unlocked from the stocks, tried to fight the soldiers, and escape back to their masters.
Mishelle vividly remembered one mage, Marina, weeping and begging for horse cock as she was tied up and bundled into a wagon to be shipped back to the Academy.
Rescue missions weren’t sent out any longer. It just wasn’t worth the extreme risk to try and rescue girls, even mages such as Islla, that would fight to stay and get raped for years and years on end.
“Do you think they like it?” Yvette asked in a soft voice.
“According to the Factorum they do,” Tif replied, “Did Islla look well, Mishelle?”
Mishelle thought back to that afternoon. Seeing the girls pleasuring the beast. Watching Islla’s newly changed body taking the monster’s cock all the way inside of her. Seeing the smile on the girl’s face.
“I don’t really know,” she lied, “I will take the first watch. The rest of you can sleep.”
Mishelle sat up long into the night as the other mages slept. At around 2 AM she woke Yvette and then curled up in her own blanket on the hard stone ground. Sleep came, but it wasn’t restful.
The next morning, they set out through the forest towards the mountain pass above them. Mage scouts rarely moved during the day, but the terrain was so treacherous they had to risk it.
As they walked, they set wards for the most common Monstrum likely in the area. Especially the Arachma, who were known to often live in forests like the one they were passing through.
They camped just above the tree line that night, a half day’s walk from the pass.
“Cover thins out above this point,” Reese warned them, “Tomorrow will be very dangerous. Watch the sky as well as the ground around us.”
They all nodded.
That morning they set out early and reached the pass faster than expected. It was clogged with fallen rock, but they worked their way through, over the rocks, and emerged into the valley beyond.
When they reached the other side of the pass, Farrah motioned for them to huddle up before moving any further.
“We have spotted Centarum in the fields around the city. We saw Org-reh with Heyna inside the walls. There was a Rapewolf den just north of town. And we know from the few refugees that made it out, there were Arachma, Chama, and maybe some Pander in the attack.”
She paused for a moment to let the words sink in.
“We haven’t seen any of those, so we need to find them before we can head back. Stay alert and move carefully. Our mission is too important to fail. If you spot something, fall back, and wait for the rest of us. Clear?”
“Clear,” all four girls said as one.
“Ok, single file, here we go.”
With Reese taking point, the five girls left the pass and began to slowly move down into the valley below.
The valley was wide, and it stretched out ahead of them as far as they could see. This area was once mapped human territory. It was supposed to have been popular for mining, but that was before the Monstrum came.
Reese moved down the slope with a twenty foot lead from the others, her bow and an arrow at the ready in case she saw some game. Her staff was across her back in easy reach. Behind her, in order, were Farah, Mishelle, Tif, and finally Yvette twenty feet behind to cover their rear. All four of the trailing girls kept their staffs in hand and ready to fight.
As they descended into the valley, they first came to a tree line of tall pines.
“No one touch your magic unless you must. If there are any Monstrum users about they will sense us.”
They group moved slowly into the woods, eyes watching both above, and at ground level, in case they would spot a trap on the ground or webbing in the trees that would indicate the huge spiders. As they got deeper into the forest, the light began to fade a little, leaving the land around them gloomy and sad.
No other creatures stirred. Not even insects.
“Do you hear that? Nothing. Nothing at all.”
“Arachma,” Farrah said, “And they must be close.
Arachma were known to eat anything that moved and would clean the local area around their hives of any wildlife. Most creatures, even other insects, avoided Arachma hives for this reason.
“Stop here. Reese, scout west. Yvette, go east. Tif, straight north. Mishelle, stay with me. Go no more than 200 yards and come right back here. Be quiet.”
The girls set off in different directions, moving as quietly as possible, and soon were hidden by the trees.
Mishelle and Farah crouched, back-to-back, and looked around in 180-degree arcs.
Yvette came back first from the right.
“Got them,” the young girl said, “I saw two outside an old mine shaft about 300 yards that way.”
“300 yards? I told you 200 yards and no more.”
Yvette shrugged, smiled, and joined the other two girls in the circle.
Reese and Tif returned at nearly the same time.
“Saw nothing, reporting nothing. Just more forest,” Tif said in a whisper.
“I found water. A lake or river. Looks clean. No tracks that I could see,” Reese said.
“Yvette found them,” Farrah whispered, “300 yards to the east.”
“300 yards? You said no more than…” Tif started to say, before Farah interrupted her.
“I know what I said. I will deal with her later. For now, let’s get closer.”
The girls turned west and slipped through the trees silently, their staffs held out in front of them. After 150 yards, Farah raised her hand for them to halt. Then she moved forward into a thicket of bushes and lifted her head up above the foliage, then pulled it down quickly.
Then she duck-walked back to the group.
“I see the mine, but no Arachma. Reese, Yvette, with me. We are going to wait here until dark and then scout the area to see if there are any other entrances.”
“We are going in?”
“No. I don’t think so. Not unless we see a safe way, but I want to find any other entrances and map them.”
The two girls nodded.
“Mishelle and Tif, go to the lake that Reese found. Set up camp close by and check to make sure the water is fresh. We will join you before morning.”
“Farah,” Mishelle said, holding up her hand, “Should we really split up this close to the enemy. Observing the nest by ourselves is one thing, but actively scouting with just the three of you?”
“It will be fine. Now go. We will see you in the morning.”
Farah waved her hand and Reese and Yvette followed her towards the Arachma hive. Mishelle watched them go, her stomach churning at the thought of just the three of them by themselves.
“They will be fine. Come on, we need to go,” Tif said softly.
With Tif leading the way, Mishelle followed the older girl through the forest and towards the approximate location of the western lake. It was twenty minutes, moving very slowly, before they found it. They crouched at the edge of the woods and waited. Watching.
The water was still and calm. Not even a breeze blew.
The body of water was at least forty feet across. It seemed to run from the nearest edge of the valley on their left, south, all the way along a ridgeline heading north. The sound of insects had returned around them.
“Not really a lake. Look at the way the water flows slowly,” Tif said quietly, “Probably a river, fed from underground.”
Mishelle nodded.
“See anything?” she asked.
“No. Nothing moving. I do hear insects though, so the Arachma aren’t nearby.”
“Yes. Ok, want to test the water?”
“Let’s go.”
Both girls stood up into a crouch and moved swiftly down to the edge of the water. The bank was clean of vegetation. The water sparkled in the light of the fading sun over the mountains in front of them.
Mishelle went first, reaching her hand in the cold mountain water and pulling some up to her lips.
It was fresh and tasted clean.
“It’s good. I think. I don’t taste anything. Want to try some magic to test it?”
“No, not a good idea. We still don’t know what’s around us. Fill your water bags and then let’s go find a spot to camp. If we get sick, then we get sick. We can risk magic to heal us if we have to.”
The girls filled their bags with the water and then faded back into the woods. They chose a knot of trees and thick bushes about forty feet back from the edge of the water and settled in.
“Think they can find us here? It’s thick around us,” Tif said, taking some dried beef from her bag.
“If not, we can go look for them when the sun comes up. If they aren’t back by then.”
“Sounds good.”
The two girls sat silently, eating their dinner, and keeping their ears open for any unusual sound.
When the sun had finally gone behind the mountains it was time to set watch and sleep.
“I will sleep first,” Tif said, “Wake me up in three hours.”
“Got it.”
“I wish we had soldiers. I hate being so unprotected,” Tif said.
“You know as well as I do that if we had enough soldiers to protect us, we would have too many soldiers to hide and scout. You just want a warm body next to you,” Mishelle said, teasing.
Tif stuck out her tongue and playfully tossed a pinecone at Mishelle, then rolled over on her side.
The girl was soon asleep and snoring softly.
Mishelle moved out of the thicket until she was ten feet away and able to see more clearly. She sat with her back against a tall dead pine and waited.
She was used to staying awake like this. They all were. It was part of their basic survival training at the Academy, and later, their in-depth training as mage scouts. Mishelle knew she could stay awake all night and still function well the next morning.
When she judged that it had been three hours, Mishelle moved back into the thicket and shook Tif awake.
“Your turn.”
The girl yawned, nodded, grabbed her staff, a water bag, and then vanished into the night.
Mishelle took her blanket out of her pack and curled up on the forest floor.
It was Tif’s scream that awakened her.
Mishelle was out of her blanket in an instant, her eyes wide and staff in her hand.
The cry came from near the water.
Mishelle ran out of the thicket and towards the sound with no thought to her own safety. She gripped her staff hard with her right hand and lit a ball of Fire in the other. The darkness around her faded away as she moved.
“HELP… help…. Mis… help…. help… oh…” Tif said, her voice seeming to fade.
Mishelle stopped at the edge of the tree line and looked around. She saw nothing in the dim glow from her hand, so she fed it more magic and watched the area around her blossom like the sun.
She was horrified by the sight.
The creature, whatever it was, had Tif pinned to the ground twenty feet away on the edge of the water. Tif was naked, face down, and the creature was forcing something into her exposed body from behind.
“Mishelle… help… Mish… help…” Tif was saying, her voice growing weaker, as she reached out toward her friend and fellow scout.
Mishelle froze.
In the light the creature appeared to be a bluish green. It had scales running down its body and large fins sticking out from its head, back, and sides. At least ten feet tall, and looking very muscular, the creature appeared formidable.
The Monstrum, it had to be Monstrum, had Tif pinned below it and it was raping her. Mishelle could see the thing’s cock, extremely long and snakelike, twisting around and forcing its way deep into her friend. As she watched, inch after inch of bluish green cock snaked into Tif’s body as the girl writhed beneath the animal.
Tif, for her part, was either in extreme pain or fantastic pleasure. Her eyes rolled wildly in her head and her mouth hung open as she moaned loudly.
The creature is too big, any spell I try, I hit Tif as well, Mishelle realized.
Mishelle slipped her staff through her belt, pulled the long thin dagger from beside the staff, and charged.
“Mishelle… feels so… good… make it… make it… stop… help…” Tif continued to plead as Michelle crossed the space between the three of them.
The closer she got, the worse the creature looked. She saw gills around its neck that ran down its sides to connect with the fins. Its muscles stood out as it levered itself up above the girl. It was now pumping itself in and out Tif, making the young girl’s body jerk and shudder with each thrust from the monster.
I just need to distract it. Hurt it. Make it let her go so that I can hit it with a spell.
When she was five feet away the creature finally noticed Mishelle approaching. It looked up at her, not stopping the rape of Tif as its snake-like cock slithered into the other girl.
Its face was terror itself. That face was impossible for Mishelle’s brain to describe, other than “horrific”.
She raised her hand, the dagger poised to plunge into the creature, when an impact knocked Mishelle from her feet and sent her airborne back towards the forest nearby.
The dagger went flying, but Mishelle rolled with the blow and came up on her feet ready to fight.
“Mishelle… oh Gods…”
She spared a quick glance at Tif. The other young girl had a huge smile on her face and was trembling and moaning in pleasure as the unknown Monstrum raped her.
Mishelle looked away from the horrid sight.
There were four more of the monsters now. Two on land advancing towards her and two moving up out of the water behind them. Their thin cocks, at least four feet long and jutting from between their legs, waved in the air as they approached. She could see that it wasn’t just one cock. Each of the creatures had a mass of them extending from between their legs.
“Mishelle… help… it’s so… help… fucking me… good…”
Without thinking of anything other than Tif’s safety, the mission be damned, Mishelle killed the one on the right with a lance of Fire. Then she blew the one next to it to hell with a fountain of exploding Earth under its feet.
But none of that stopped what was happening to Tif.
While Mishelle was distracted, another appendage, a second slithering prick from the monster’s body, had wrapped its way up around the girl and was violating her mouth. Tif was twitching and squealing as the amphibious creature fucked her from both ends. Mishelle could see the cocks were more like tentacles. They were bright and shiny in the moonlight.
As Mishelle watched, cum fountained out of Tif’s mouth and sprayed across the ground. The creature was already filling Tif full of its terrible secretions. And it was still attached to the girl, so Mishelle couldn’t risk using an offensive spell.
“Mmmph…” Tif moaned as her body shook with an obvious orgasm.
Tif’s eyes were wide and almost sparkled with pleasure. There were groans and screams of unbelievable satisfaction coming from Tif as the creature continued to fuck the young her.
Mishelle turned back to the other two creatures, now standing up onto dry land. She now saw another two of them, behind the others, swimming for the shore. She was still facing four, despite killing two already.
How many of these things are there, Mishelle wondered, as she prepared to attack again. I must save Tif and end this fast or they will have us both!
She whirled her staff across her body and sent a ribbon of Air, sharp as any axe, slicing across the space between the two nearest creatures. It cut them both in half. As their bodies fell apart, she leapt over them and summoned another Air spell in the shape of a hammer. Just as one of the other monsters emerged from the water, she crushed its skull.
But the remaining fish-beast had thrown back its arm and hurled something at her. Mishelle didn’t have time to dodge it.
She felt another impact shiver through her body. Mishelle went flying back towards the woods once again. This time she couldn’t find her feet so easily, her head swimming, and she landed face down towards the water.
When she looked up towards the creatures, it was all over.
A fountain of foul cum was spraying up from around the tentacle in Tif’s cunt as the girl shook and twisted through another Monstrum-induced orgasm. Her eyes were sightless, and she was now truly moaning in pleasure, not in pain.
There was no mistaking what the other girl was experiencing at the hands of the Monstrum that had her in its clutches.
“Mish… so good… feels… so… amazing…” Tif said, almost growling in delight, around the Monstrum cock as it filled her with its filthy semen.
Mishelle scrambled to her feet just in time to see the creature holding her friend lean back and throw itself, with Tif still attached, into the water behind it. The two of them disappeared in a huge splash and vanished from sight.
“NO!” Mishelle screamed, reaching out as if she had any chance of stopping the creature.
The final beast bent at the waist and screamed back at her in a surprisingly good imitation. It began to move towards her. She saw at least four tentacle-like cocks flow from its crotch and begin to wave in the air as it approached.
Mishelle, fear filling her mouth with a sour taste, took a breath. Then she summoned all her strength. As the creature broke into a run towards her, Mishelle mustered a blast of Air and sent the monster flying back into the water behind it.
The animal disappeared into the water and was gone.
Mishelle fell to her knees as the light from her Fire spell slowly began to fade and float to the ground.
Tif was gone. Worse than gone. Taken by an unknown Monstrum.
Then she heard something. The sound of a voice faintly drifting over the water.
“Mishelle… help me… please… don’t let me… go… I need… to… so good… join me…”
And then the world was quiet once again.
Mishelle, still in fight mode, thought desperately for something to do. She quickly searched through her mind, looking for any spell that might help. But nothing came back.
She couldn’t see very far, even if she cast the light spell. She could swim, but surely not as fast as those creatures, and she couldn’t fight while doing so. She knew a spell to breathe underwater, but her magic wouldn’t work there.
And how many more of the creatures might she be facing?
She desperately fought the logic that her own brain told her was reality. Tif was gone and there was no way, at least for now, to get her back.
“The rest of the team. I have to let them know. I can’t let them down too,” she muttered and turned from the water to go back into the woods.
She found the camp site that she and Tif had made and sat down to plan.
It was too risky to stay there. The creatures might come back in force and take her as well. And she didn’t want to think about that. Or what was happening to poor Tif even at that moment.
But she couldn’t just pack up and head towards the other side of the valley. She didn’t know where the other part of the team was or whether they were on their way back or not.
They could all pass each other in the night and lose each other completely. Or, worse, she could blunder into some Arachma in the dark and be captured herself.
So, Mishelle split the difference.
She packed up all Tif’s things and put both packs over her shoulder. As quietly as she could, carrying so much, Mishelle worked her way out of their hiding place.
She heard noises coming from the direction of the water. Something big was moving up onto land. Then there were voices. Nothing human. It almost sounded like snakes hissing back and forth.
The creatures were back. Several of them.
Mishelle crouched down and moved quickly away towards the other side of the valley. She had to hope they couldn’t track her scent or that the creatures would be afraid to stray too far from the water.
When she had gone what she judged was 150 yards from the shoreline, she stopped to rest and listen.
She heard nothing. Behind her were the sounds of crickets and other insects. In front of her, starting about ten feet away, was silence.
“I’m close to the Arachma. This is as good a place as any.”
She put down the packs, unfolded a small shovel from hers, and then began to dig down into the soft earth. When she was half a foot deep, she took some sticks and leaves from around her and packed them into the hole. Then she took a match from her belt pack and lit the sticks on fire.
From the way the hole was set up, the fire would only be visible from a very short distance. Hidden from view unless something was actively looking for her or happened to pass close by. She knew that the other girls would be on the lookout for such a signal, in case there was an emergency.
Mishelle shouldered the packs once again and then hauled them off twenty feet away to hide them in some brush. When that was done, she walked ten feet closer to the fire, still barely visible, and crouched down to wait, hoping the other girls would spot the fire on their way past, but that no Monstrum would happen to wander by.
An hour passed and the fire began to dim so she moved close to it and tossed in some more fuel. Then another passed. More fuel.
It was close to dawn when three small black shapes came creeping out of the darkness and approached the fire. Mishelle raised her staff, ready to fight, and then gave the bluebird whistle.
A bluebird responded.
Still in a crouch, she moved towards the fire and the rest of the team.
“Tif… Mishelle… are you out there?” came the soft call of Yvette’s voice.
She moved slowly towards her fellow mage scouts as they crouched near the fire. When she came into the clearing, the three of them raised their staffs to strike, before they recognized it was her.
She collapsed onto her knees in front of them and began to weep softly as the sadness and terror of the last several hours overcame her. The other three girls just looked at her for a moment, and then moved forward to embrace her in a four-way hug.
It felt like hours before Mishelle was able to stop crying and explain what happened.
How they had found the lake and filled their canteens. How she had taken the first watch and seen nothing. How Tif had taken over the watch.
“She must… she must have gone back to get more water. She must have,” Mishelle explained, “And that thing must have been in there. Maybe waiting. It… grabbed her and that is when she yelled.”
She told them how she had run to Tif’s voice and seen the monster raping their friend. She went over how the other creatures had risen out of the water and attacked her, preventing her from saving Tif.
She told them of the rape she had witnessed. How the Monstrum had bred Tif with its many tentacles. The semen erupting from inside the girl. How her pleading turned to screams of pleasure.
Finally, as her exhaustion caught up with her, she told them of Tif’s last desperate, but mixed, plea that had floated across the water.
The other’s listened. Yvette and Reese with sympathy. Farah with anger.
“I’m sorry… I’m so sorry… if I hadn’t been asleep, I would have gone with her. I could… I could have saved her if I was just a little faster. Or had better aim. But I didn’t want to kill her while trying to save her.”
When Mishelle was done talking, Farah took over.
“Yvette, put your pack down and go get Tif’s and Mishelle’s. Bring them here. Reese, look around for cover. We are going to camp for a few hours and then go to assess the situation. Mishelle, tell me again, slowly, what happened.”
“We are still in Arachma territory,” Yvette pointed out.
“I know. But we have to risk it. We won’t be staying too long.”
As Mishelle recounted the nightmare in detail, the other girls made a small camp in some brush twenty yards away. Farah covered up the fire hole and then all four girls went into the brush to camp.
“Mishelle, take a nap for a few hours.”
She opened her mouth to protest but didn’t get a word out.
“Don’t argue. You are no good to us like this. You’ve been through a terrible trauma with barely any sleep. Get at least two hours and then we will go look for Tif.”
Mishelle was about to argue anyway when Yvette put a hand on her shoulder.
“Please, Mishelle. Just two hours. Then we will all go after Tif.”
Two hours later the other girls roused Mishelle, and they packed up the temporary camp.
Making their way slowly through the woods, the four mage scouts came to the edge of the water and stopped to look out at the banks.
There were none of the bodies or parts of bodies left behind, but it was obviously the scene of the battle. Dark pink blood stained the ground and there was a big pocket of earth where Mishelle had blown up one of the creatures.
Farrah spoke first.
“Ok, we can’t move to the other side. The ridges on that side of the lake are too high to climb. And I do not want to risk swimming across anyway. We move north, parallel to the bank, but keeping back in the woods. Yvette, you take point. Mishelle, you are with me in the center. You watch the woods, and I will watch the water. Reese, on the rear. Got it?”
The three girls nodded.
“Fill your bags quickly. It’s a huge risk, but we do need the water.”
The team set off, moving north just inside the woods, and moving parallel to the water. They traveled until just before nightfall without seeing anything.
“We rest for the night and look again tomorrow,” Farrah whispered to them, “it is getting too dark.”
The team moved fifty yards inland before making camp for the night. As they were eating their dinner, Mishelle asked about the Arachma.
Anything to keep her mind off losing Tif.
“We did find them,” Farah said, chewing a tough beef strip, “They are in an old mine shaft. We found the main entrance and four more ways in around the area leading down into it. We also found a vent at the top that drops down at least 100 feet into, I think, the center of the hive.”
She picked up one of their last remaining pieces of bread and began to chew that before continuing.
“We mapped the holes and then decided to see if we could get inside.”
Reese continued the story.
“I left Farah and Yvette behind and crawled in through one of the smaller tunnels. I couldn’t go too far in, but I did reach a room that I am going to call a breeding center. I know it wasn’t the central hive. It was far too small for that. But it was a domed room, about thirty feet around, with several small alcoves in it. In each one that I could see, there was a girl webbed inside. Most of them pregnant. I watched several Arachma come in and breed the girls. These Arachma were bigger than normal. Weird colors. Could be some special version of the species.”
Farah offered Mishelle some of the bread. Mishelle shook her head no.
“I watched for at least two hours. There was a lot of breeding going on. Arachma coming in, breeding, and then leaving. I did witness one birth. I wrote down a lot about it if you want to read it.”
“Tell her the worst,” Yvette said, interrupting.
“What is the worst?”
Reese swallowed her bread and took a sip of water from her water bag.
“They were all mages.”
“All of them?”
“Every last one that I could see. I absolutely recognized at least two of them from Islla’s team. Sandra and Gretchen. But the others I am sure I had seen before. They were all mages. I am sure of it. The Arachma must keep them separate in that one room for some reason.”
“Or there are several special chambers and you just saw one,” Farah said, “But, yes, it makes sense. Even without their staffs the mages are special. So, they would want them kept apart from the rest of the breeders.”
“Anyway, once I saw what I felt like was enough, I crawled back out and we made our way back down into the forest. Then we came upon you.”
The story finished, the girls cleaned up their dinner and prepared to rest.
“Yvette, first watch. Reese, second watch. I will take the third. Let Mishelle have a full night’s sleep. Don’t say anything Mishelle. This is an order. When we get up in the morning, we will keep searching for Tif. For now, sleep.”
The next morning, they struck camp just as the sun was rising in the east and headed back towards the water. Once they refilled their water bags, the group resumed walking parallel to the water, heading north, just as they had the day before.
At noon, or close to it, they came to the end of the water where it dead ended into another sheer cliff rising into the mountains. Water bubbled up from underneath the cliff where the underground stream fed the lake.
Farah motioned for them all to make a circle.
“Did anyone see anything today?”
All the girls shook their heads.
“I think we have to assume that the creatures live underwater or only come out at night. Maybe there is a cave system underneath where they live. Either way, we haven’t seen them, and we can’t take any more time looking.”
Yvette opened her mouth to speak, but Farrah held up a finger to shush her.
“I know what you are going to say, and I love Tif just as much as the rest of you, but we have a mission. And we must accomplish it. Maybe when we conquer the area, we can look for her again. Find the creatures. Get her back.”
“We all know that won’t happen for weeks. Maybe months. If she is still alive it will be far too late,” Reese said, echoing what they were all thinking.
“Then we hope she is dead.”
The four of them sat silently for a moment.
“So, what’s the plan Farrah?” Yvette asked after a moment.
“We found the Arachma now. We are just missing the Chama and the Pander.”
“If they were actually there. Neither of them has been seen in a long time.”
“I know, but the survivors said they were, so we have to at least look. Panders prefer cold climate, so they are likely up high if they are here. Chama like it warm. There is a portion of the valley we haven’t covered yet. We will work our way around to that section and see what we can find. Understand?”
They all nodded.
“We have five days until we are due to head back. Make them count. Let’s head out now and see how much ground we can cover before dark.”
Moving through the woods in single file, the girls walked east towards the unexplored section of the valley. It was approaching dark when they came to a rough trail cut through the trees that was heading back towards the lake.
Farah motioned them to avoid the trail and move a hundred feet away to the south. Once there, they huddled up.
“Everybody see the trail? Good. We don’t know what made it or what uses it, but we can find out. We will camp here tonight and one of us will sit near the trail in a bush I saw and watch. It will be too dangerous to switch out, so that person is in for the night. The rest of us will camp here. If nothing uses the trail tonight, then we follow it in the morning to see where it goes. Who wants the trail watch?”
All three raised their hands.
“I should have expected that. Reese, you take it. You are less likely to be seen. The rest of us will be here.”
“Good night, everyone,” Reese said, taking her staff, but leaving her pack and mage sack behind and moving out into the darkening forest.
The remaining girls bedded down for the night, with one always keeping watch. In the morning, Reese came sliding through the trees and into camp as the others woke up.
“Chama. I saw eight of them with spears and torches walking past around midnight. They were leading a pack of women and two girls, not tied up or anything. They were also leading cows with big empty water sacks slung over them. They came back past me about 3 AM with the water sacks bulging and the two girls missing. No idea why.”
“Cows? Why do the Monstrum always seem to have cows?” Yvette asked.
“Easier to manage than horses, I guess,” Reece said.
“I guess so.”
“Ok,” Farrah said, “That is good information. They must be using the lake as a source of water.”
“And the missing girls?”
“I don’t know. Maybe they trade them to the other Monstrum in exchange for the water? We can’t worry about that now. Get two hours of rest Reese and then we pack up and go. I want to see if we can get a good look at their home.”
Four hours later, approaching noon, three of the girls were on their bellies at the edge of a large clearing that held the Chama village. Mishelle and Reese were using their looking glasses to view the village while Farah made notes. Yvette was 100 feet back in the jungle watching the trail.
“Yeah, there is some sort of public bath near the center of town. Can you see it Reese?” “No, bad angle. What’s happening?” the other girl replied.
“Breeding. Lots of breeding.”
Through Mishelle’s eyeglass she watched as several Chama played in the water with ten of their young female captives. The creatures and the children were splashing around and playing in the water just as a normal human family might. Except all the children were naked and the Chama’s cocks were hard. The girls were smiling and seemed happy to be there.
“Describe what you are seeing.” Farah requested, so Mishelle began to narrate what she saw.
Next to the pool were several young girls fucking with Chama males. Mishelle focused on the nearest couple, a cute little girl with long blonde hair and a pretty round face who looked to be around nine years old.
The girl was smiling widely as the tan-colored Chama placed its hands on her hips and plunged his cock into her from behind. The girl made a surprised face and then her smile returned as inches of Chama cock slid inside of her young lithe body. She turned around and looked up at the creature behind her, which, to Mishelle, looked to be smiling back. Then the Monstrum began to fuck the girl.
Mishelle watched as the lizard forced itself on the child. Slowly driving its cock deeper inside of her as the girl wiggled her hips and pushed back against the invader. The Chama began to thrust in and out of its tiny human mate, who appeared to be enjoying the attention very much. She raised one of her hands off the ground and, as the creature picked up speed, she began to play with her tiny tits, pulling and twisting at them.
Mishelle moved her glass an inch to the right and saw that two Chama were using an older girl, likely close to thirteen, both front and back. The front Chama had its entire cock buried in the teenager’s mouth and was pumping like mad as she stroked its green belly. The beast behind her was pounding away at her, probably in her ass from the angle, with wild abandon.
She moved her glass again and saw that the final group was a Chama lying on its back in a chair, while a tiny child of five rode its cock. The girl was far too small to be fertile for a human male, but she was pregnant with Chama children right now. Her full belly and swollen breasts bounced up and down as she rode the cock beneath her. Mishelle could see a smile on her face as she rode the Chama’s big prick.
The Chama reached up and grasped the child’s swollen tits, then it raised its head up to suckle the milk it was squeezing from her body. The girl threw her head back and visibly trembled in pleasure.
Mishelle pulled the eyeglass back to the first couple and watched the grinning little nine year old begin to scream and wiggle even harder against the cock in her cunt. She was bouncing, on her hands, and knees, her face a mask of joy, as the Monstrum fucked her from behind. Mishelle saw the girl come and her surprised face returned as her body went through convulsions.
Amazingly, the girl’s screams of pleasure reached all the way to the scout’s positions.
“Sounds like they are killing that one,” Reese said dryly.
“No, I don’t think that is what killing sounds like,” replied Mishelle.
The girl fell forward, the Chama cock slipping out of her. She immediately turned around and swallowed the sloppy organ, her mouth sinking down around it until she reached the waxy-looking testicles that hung underneath the creature. The child began to lick and suck her way up, cleaning off the lizard who had been violating her.
Next to them, the girl getting fucked from both sides was coming herself as the two reptiles filled her up from both ends. The teen was thrashing between the two lizard pricks, obviously in great joy. Thick white cum squirted from her mouth, as Michelle watched, and ran dribbling down her chin as her body convulsed in climax. The angle was good enough that she could see the girl’s body distend from the amount of cum being shoved inside of her throat and stomach.
She switched views again.
The pregnant child, the little girl on the end, was now lying next to her mate and cleaning his cum from her pussy with her hands. The lizard was still suckling at her breasts and making her giggle from the sensations.
Mishelle pulled back and saw that the other Chama, and their girls, had stopped playing in the pool. Various couples were now fucking around the edges of the pool area. She counted at least ten Chama in the area and twice that many girls. She saw one girl, a young teenager, smiling as she was fucked front and back, held in the air between two of the lizards.
“I can’t watch anymore. Reese, tell us what you see,” Mishelle said, taking her eyes away from the glass.
“Well, I think I see their leader. Elder. Or whatever.”
“Yes. Big one. Bright green. Wearing what looks like some sort of clothing. And you won’t believe this, but he is talking to a Pander.”
“What?” Farah said, excitedly, “Give me the glass and show me where he is.”
To see that side of the village, while the other girls exchanged duties, Mishelle crawled around behind them and lay down next to Reese. The other girl pointed in a direction and soon both Farah and Mishelle were looking into what appeared to be the main section of the village.
The king, or mayor, or tribal leader, was an imposing sight. He was bright green, as Reese had said, and stood at least eleven feet tall. He was wearing what could only be called a dress made from some sort of fur. It was dyed in streaks of red and yellow. The Chama had a large spear strapped across his back and wore a headdress of long black feathers.
“Anyone else think those feathers look like Horrorcrow?”
“Yes, might be,” Farah replied, “We know the Monstrum do war among themselves. Look at those skulls behind him. I swear I see a Yetta and maybe… a Rapewolf skull as well.”
“I see them,” Mishelle said, “I agree. Definitely a Yetta, but I don’t think that is a Rapewolf. Not a Heyna either. No tusks. Maybe something we haven’t seen before? Cat like, maybe? Looks feline. Very large. Camabahlam?”
“I’ve never seen one in person. Could be.”
“I don’t like the idea of something we haven’t seen before,” Farrah said, “But I don’t suppose we can go ask them.”
Turning away from the giant Chama, Mishelle focused her glass on the Pander.
There were four of them standing around talking to an equal number of Chama.
The Pander were small comparatively, with all but one of them being less than eight foot tall. Their bodies were colored, or maybe dyed, shades of grey, black, and purple. They appeared not to be armed but did wear a form of armor that looked to be leather. Their faces were painted, or colored, white. The resemblance to bears was impossible not to notice.
“I think we can safely say the Panders are ursine in nature. They look like colored bears on two-legs.”
She zoomed out to see all four of the Pander and then noticed the line of slaves kneeling at their feet.
“I have girls. Eight of them. Naked and chained together.”
“I see them,” said Farah, “Slaves for sale, or maybe being bought?”
“By which side?”
“The Pander. Look he is giving a sack to the king. The Pander are buying the girls. Slaves from Midland?”
“This is all fascinating,” Farah breathed, her voice full of awe, “We are learning so much. Maybe we can follow the Pander back to wherever they are going and learn more about them. Reese, have you mapped the village well enough yet?”
“Yes, I’ve got it. We can… wait, there is a group of Chama coming out of the trailhead. They’ve got… oh Gods no…”
Mishelle swiveled her head, swinging her glass towards the direction of the trail, and saw what Reese was talking about. Four Chama warriors were emerging from the woods hauling Yvette along behind them at the end of rope leash.
The lizards dragged the girl along. She looked to be bound with her arms behind her back and a second rope leash around her waist. Her mouth wasn’t gagged, but Yvette wasn’t screaming for help either.
“We have to go get her. Quick, before they get her in the village!” Reese exclaimed, dropping the map to the ground, and starting to get to her feet.
“We can’t!” Farah hissed and tackled the other girl, “Lay down you idiot! Think it through!”
The two girls wrestled each other, rolling around as Farah tried to prevent Reese from rising and charging at the Chama who held their friend.
“You are going to give us away!” Farah hissed loudly.
“We have to help her!”
“We can’t! We can’t risk it! Why do you think she isn’t screaming for help you moron? She knows we can’t come to her. She doesn’t want to give us away!”
“Look!” Mishelle said, interrupting them, “Look at the village.”
The two girls stopped wrestling long enough to watch a second group of armed Chama, six in number, emerge from the village and run towards the group holding Yvette.
“We have to go. Now,” Farah said, scooting back from the edge of the forest, “We have to get out of here before they start the search.”
“We can’t just leave her!”
Farah reached over and smacked Reese as hard as she could, sending the girl’s nose into the dirt.
“We can and we will,” she said, pointing towards their captured friend, “She is sacrificing herself for us. She is keeping quiet, instead of screaming for help, for us. So, that we can get away. Now get back in the forest, get your shit, and get a move on. We are leaving!”
Reese held her cheek for a moment and then looked over at Mishelle.
“She’s right. We have to go. We can’t do anything.”
Reese, her cheek bright red, thought for a second and then nodded.
The two groups of Chama met on the trail to the village and were talking. One of them pointed back along the trail towards the forest and then several of them began to run towards the tree line along the road.
The three remaining girls pushed themselves slowly back out of sight, grabbed their gear, and began to run.
Dashing through the forest, trying to avoid falling and hurting themselves or running into a tree, the three mage scouts ran until they were far away from the village. Eventually they found some underbrush and crawled in beneath a downed tree to rest.
After a minute of silence, Farrah spoke.
“Did either of you see any of them? Hear them?”
“No,” Reese said, “I think we got away clean.”
“I didn’t either,” Mishelle said, her breath coming in fits and starts.
Just then there was the sound of something snapping that echoed around them.
The three girls froze.
The sounds of something walking drifted through the air and voices, speaking an unknown hissing-like language carried to their ears. The sounds came close and then faded away.
“They missed us,” Farah whispered, “But don’t move. They may come back.”
Farah, Reese, and Mishelle stayed face down in the underbrush for the entire night. Alternating between sleeping and keeping watch.
When the sun came up, they crawled out, dirty and tired, from their hiding place and huddled up.
“We need to go back,” Reese said first thing, “We can’t leave her.”
“We can’t face off against a Chama village, are you crazy?” Farrah asked.
Mishelle kept her mouth shut and watched the two of them debate.
“Maybe it won’t be the whole village. Maybe we can sneak in at night and find her.”
“Sneak in? Against a whole town of Chama? We don’t know what they are capable of! For all we know they can see in the dark and smell us a mile away!”
“If that were true, they would already have caught us. Look at least let’s go back and take a look. We can look at the village and see if there is a way in. We will come in from a different angle. A different part of the forest,” Reese pleaded, “We will just look! And if we can’t do anything then, we will leave. But we have to at least try! We tried for Tif!”
Farah looked frustrated and ready to give the order to leave, but instead she turned to Mishelle.
“What do you think?”
Mishelle closed her eyes. She didn’t want to leave. The loss of Tif still broke her heart and leaving Yvette would be just as hard. But risking the entire mission by going back, that was a step too far. They only had four days left to scout before turning back.
“I will go,” she finally said.
“What?” Reese sputtered.
“I will go,” Mishelle said again, “I will go take a look. One of us is harder to spot than three. And I am less important than you two are. Farah needs to get back. She has all the information memorized and written down and she needs you to get her back Reese. You can make it without me.”
“No…” Farah started to say.
“Yes. It makes sense. I go at it from a different part of the forest. I take my spyglass and I watch. Just to see what is going on. See if I can spot her. Then, when I have the lay of the land, I come back and find you two. Then we make a decision on what to do. Sound fair?”
Mishelle could tell that neither girl liked the idea, but that neither had a better plan to present.
“Ok, so how do we do this?”
“I have my compass and my map. I eat, then leave my stuff with both of you. I go carefully back to the village. We were looking at it from west to east. I come in from the south. Slowly. Carefully. And then wait until morning. I watch for a few hours, and then come back here. If I see anything, like a patrol or something, I will break off and come right back. Everyone clear?”
The other two girls nodded.
Mishelle ate a quick meal of salted beef and the last of their bread. Then she stripped off everything but her basic kit. She took her staff, spyglass, compass, and her dagger with her.
Two hours later, as darkness fell, Mishelle was face down behind a rotten log roughly 100 feet from the Chama village.
There was a party going on. The town was lit up with bright bonfires and burning torches placed around the outside and inside of it. She was close enough to easily hear and see nearly everything happening.
She slowly raised her head over the fallen tree and looked towards the lizard village.
From this angle she could see the other end of the baths and part of the main square where the slave sale had taken place. She was looking at a large building, far larger than the rest, that was decorated up for the celebration.
“A temple, maybe,” she whispered to herself.
Resting her elbows on the rotten log, she pulled out her spyglass and investigated the town.
The Chama were, in fact, having a party.
A feast was arrayed on long tables nearest the temple. Human women, many of them very old, stood behind the table ladling out food into bowls for passing Chama.
Young naked girls danced around the fires as some of the Chama watched. The creatures were clapping and dancing with the girls. The king, or whatever he was, sat on a throne above the festivities, eating some meat off of a large bone.
A Chama that was dancing reached in and grabbed one of the dancing girls. It mounted her right there in front of the entire town. As soon as the first couple started fucking, Mishelle could see other couplings taking place. She could even see one instance of three Chama using a single girl at one time.
The longer she looked, the more the Chama began to breed. Soon all the girls had stopped dancing and were participating, eagerly it seemed, in the lizard orgy ceremony.
Mishelle was just close enough to hear the grunts and hisses of the Chama and the pleasurable moans from their captives.
No matter where Mishelle looked, she could see little girls, all the way up to young teenagers, being raped. Their bodies used and abused by their reptilian masters in every imaginable way.
The debauchery went on for over an hour, with Mishelle seeing girls traded back and forth like toys between the giant lizards. Many of them covered in, and leaking, Monstrum semen. Some of the girls must have been fucked at least five times each by the time a bell rang, and everything stopped.
The king stood up from his throne.
He seemed to be speaking to the crowd about something important. After several minutes of this, he clapped his hands and pointed to what Mishelle thought of as the temple.
The doors to the building opened and two Chama emerged dragging Yvette on a short leash behind them.
The mage scout was naked and looked to be painted several different colors. Her skin was darker in places than it should be. The little mage walked with her head held high, but her eyes were wide, and she looked to be in a state of near panic.
Yvette walked stiffly behind her captors down the steps of the temple and was led before the king. When she arrived, the Chama to her left pushed her down onto her knees and held her there.
It was hard to read the lizard expressions, but Mishelle imagined that the king was smiling. She could hear him speaking again, his arms waving in the air as he spoke to the village. They cheered for him, both Chama and their naked human slaves, each time he stopped.
When he had finished speaking, the king shrugged off his clothes and stood naked before the town. His cock, as large as he was in proportion, stood out from his body and waved in the air.
The crowd cheered again.
Mishelle had a good view through her spyglass.
The Chama holding Yvette yanked her to her feet, turned her around, and then threw her down onto a nearby table so that her bare ass and cunt were on display. Two other Chama grabbed her legs and pulled them apart, while a third tied her arms down to the table.
The town roared its approval as tiny Yvette was splayed out before their approaching king. His cock waving in the air as he walked. Mishelle couldn’t see Yvette’s face, only her naked lower body as the king approached it.
When the oversize Chama arrived at the table the dancing and cheering of the crowd stopped and hush fell over the area. The king raised his arms above his head, then lowered them to his cock, before lining himself up with Yvette’s cunt.
“I don’t want to see this,” Michelle muttered, but she kept her eye trained on it anyway.
The king stepped forward and put pressure on Yvette’s body. The girl squirmed on the table as he touched her and pressed himself forward. Mishelle could tell the exact moment it happened as Yvette shuddered hard and began to squirm against the rope that held her. Her scream of pain soon reached Mishelle’s ears.
The king began to fuck his prize.
His hands raised above his head again, the beast thrust his hips back and forth to drive his member into the human child before him. He was soon pumping hard, his tail swishing back and forth in the air, as he raped Yvette.
As the king began to pick up speed, the crowd began to chant something that sounded like “Ord” in their strange language. Even the naked girls, standing among their lizard masters, began to chant as well.
“Ord Ord Ord!”
The King was frantically fucking Yvette’s body now. Twisting and moving his hips to drive his cock in and out of the young girl, as the crowd cheered him on. Yvette was writhing on the table below him, her head flailing about with each thrust of the monster’s cock into her little body.
“Ord Ord Ord,” the crowd chanted faster and faster.
Mishelle couldn’t see her friend’s face, but she could hear her. The chant wasn’t loud enough to drown out the screams of pain as the king raped Yvette with his large lizard prick.
After several minutes the king stiffened and stopped thrusting, then he waved his arms in the air and danced in place as the crowd roared its approval.
It was obvious to Mishelle what was happening. She was even able to see bright sparkling white streams of cum leaking down below the table and falling to the dirt.
“I’m so sorry, Yvette. I’m so sorry,” Mishelle said, tears coming into her eyes.
She lay down behind the log and cried for several minutes. Crying for both of the lost girls.
When she was finished crying, she rose behind the log again and took another look at the town.
The king was back on his throne and the orgy had resumed.
Animals and girls were fucking like mad all over the village square in couples and in groups. There was a line behind Yvette as several of the Chama warriors were waiting their turn to fuck the recently defiled mage. One of them was inside her now, and Yvette was moving around, her legs were jerking with each thrust of cock into her body.
This time, from the sounds of her screaming over the noise of the crowd, it was clear that Yvette was enjoying herself.
With the crowd cleared, Mishelle could zoom in a little on Yvette’s face. The expression there was one of ecstasy. Her body quaked and quivered, tied to the table as a new Chama shoved its cock into her.
Mishelle left soon afterwards. There was nothing she could do to help her friend, or any of the captured girls that she was leaving behind, and no more information to learn that night.
As the sun began to rise, she picked her way through the woods until she got close to where she thought the other two scouts would be.
She whistled the bluebird call.
Nothing replied.
She whistled again.
No reply.
Maybe I am in the wrong place, she thought.
Still crouched and moving slowly, Mishelle scurried deeper into the woods. She came upon the place where they had camped the night before. But there was nothing there.
She whistled the bird call again. No reply.
With nothing else to do, and with lighting a fire this time, out of the question, Michelle sat down in the old campsite and waited. She listened to the calls of the birds and insects around her.
“At least I’m not near the Arachma.”
When the sun started to come up, she stood up and looked around. She was sure of it. This is where she had left Farah and Reese, but they weren’t there. Worse, they hadn’t bothered to cover up the broken leaves and disturbed dirt they had left behind.
That was sloppy scouting and neither of those girls could ever be described as sloppy.
But they did take all their belongings. Even Mishelle’s own pack.
They must have left in a hurry, she thought. Something must have frightened them. Maybe a Chama patrol? Or even an Arachma?
She pulled out her compass and checked it against the rising sun.
The Chama village was northeast. The lake, to the west. The Arachma had to be southeast of her, which made the valley entrance from the mountain pass to the west of that.
“Farrah will head for the entrance to the valley. She will wait there, at the tree line, for me to come back. Or not come back. They will wait as long as they can.”
Mishelle set off through the trees towards where she felt the entrance to the valley would be.
She walked for hours, slowly, keeping her eyes open and watching for signs. When she got to a section of the forest where it was far too quiet, she turned west and walked until she heard the comforting noises of insects and animals again.
Then she turned south, back toward the entrance to the valley.
And stopped dead.
Fear splitting through her, Mishelle slowly sank to her knees behind the nearest tree. Roughly forty feet ahead of her, through the thickly packed trees, she saw the spider-like bodies of six Arachma.
The massive creatures were moving, slowly, but she couldn’t tell in which direction. Her breath caught in her chest, and she began to pray that the things would simply move on without noticing her.
There was no way she could take on all of them. They were too fast and far too strong. She might get two, maybe three, but the others would get her.
As she tried to calm herself, she looked up at the sun. It was getting late. Nearly to sundown.
If I can stay here, and not move, maybe I can slip off and hide once the sun goes down.
She looked back at the Arachma and saw that they were moving. And it was away from her. She saw the creatures begin to walk towards the east, back towards their territory. They didn’t appear to be in any hurry.
She could hear each of their legs moving through the brush as they made their way between the trees and out of her sight. When she was sure they were gone, she slipped from behind her hiding place and worked slowly over to where the Arachma had been.
Three scout packs and three mage sacks, the kind they all carried their Factorum in, lay on the ground in a small clearing. Farah’s, Reese’s, and hers. Two broken staffs lay between them.
Tif to the amphibians. Yvette to the Chama. And now her last two sisters lost to the Arachma.
Moving nearly silently, Mishelle followed the trail of the giant spiders as closely as she could in the dark. It wasn’t too hard as the creatures had left a wide swath of disturbed underbrush.
As she neared the end of their trail, and the sun was coming up behind her, she heard the noise she most dreaded to hear.
Mating. Breeding. Rape.
Creeping to the edge of the forest and raising her head through the covering of a thick bush, Mishelle saw exactly what she feared.
Farrah and Reese were stuck spread eagle on large webs spun against the rocks next to the cavernous mine entrance. Each of them was, at that moment, on the receiving end of an Arachma cock.
Reese was bouncing up and down in her web as a massive spider drove its prick deep into her cunt. The spider’s thrusts were so powerful that the mage scout’s body was being thrown back and forth like mad. The girl, covered in a sheen of Monstrum cum, was squealing in pleasure as she was forcibly bred for what was certainly not the first time.
Farrah, who was arranged upside down, was unluckier. A spider was perching on the rock above her and driving its prick so deep that Mishelle could see her body distend around it. A second Arachma was below the rock, its cock fed into Farrah’s moaning mouth. Streams of cum were running from both holes.
Mishelle pulled her head back down and moved slowly back into the woods.
“I can’t get to them. Any of them. They are all lost,” she said quietly.
It was just too much for her to take. Far too much.
Mishelle fell to her knees and then collapsed to the ground in between the bags. She hugged herself and rocked back and forth in the dirt. Not crying. She was too sad to cry.
She should have moved on. Should have fled. But she fell asleep in that little clearing surrounded by the memories of her sisters.
When morning came, she awoke to find everything unchanged. She was still alone. Still in the woods. And still in terrible danger.
Thinking clearly, or at least clearer, she took some rope from her pack and tied all the stuff together. Then she dragged the packs off into the woods, further away from where the Arachma might come looking for them. Then she went back and covered the tracks.
When she was done, she hid herself and the items in the very same thicket they had camped in their first night in the valley. Throughout the day she finished off first her water bottle and then Farah’s. She rummaged through all three packs and came away with only four sticks of dried beef left. She ate one and washed it down with some of Reese’s water.
When she was done, not really caring what happened to her anymore, she walked to the lake and refilled all three water bags as if there were no danger anywhere around. Then she went back to the thicket and went to sleep.
The next day she sorted through the packs and organized them into one.
The mage sacks were useless. She could open her own and use it, but the other two were locked to their owners. She left Reese’s alone but tied Farah’s to her own pack. Farah’s sack should contain all their notes and maps. Maybe a more powerful mage could open it later, if Mishelle could make it back to the relief convoy.
When she was done sorting, she put as many supplies into her own pack as she could, including the remainder of the food, water, and all three blankets. It would be cold in the mountains.
She left the other mage uniforms behind but kept her own. Just in case.
Putting on the heavy pack, her mage sack around her waist, and her staff in her hand, the last surviving mage scout set out to finish their mission.
Moving through the woods slowly, it took a day of walking to get to the tree line below the pass. It was too dangerous, just as when they had come over, to hike up the mountain and walk through the pass in the dark, so she ate some beef and slept until morning.
The next day she was up the side of the mountain and well into the pass before midday. She stopped in a small crevice, big enough for one little girl, and had lunch.
The light was fading as she reached the end of the pass and hurried down towards the opposing tree line. As she got near the cover, in the distance, off to her left, she saw several birds circling above the trees. They were too big to be normal birds.
Mishelle made good time over the next two days, though hunger was starting to sap her strength. But she had been careful with her water.
The third day out from the pass she found some edible mushrooms and wild strawberries fed by a small spring. She ate most of the strawberries and saved the mushrooms for later. She filled her bag up and then slept beside the stream, its sound providing comfort.
On the fifth day from the pass, she reached the foothills below the mountains and traveling got easier. She was able to pick up the pace. Mishelle could see the wide grasslands stretching out before her to the south.
She knew for sure where she was going now.
To her southeast would be the remains of Midland, about 30 miles away. To her west were several small towns, Geere being the biggest one, that were completely in Monstrum hands.
Between them was nothing but open country, abandoned farms, and many roads that crisscrossed back and forth.
If she was right, and her luck still held, the relief convoy would be straight across the plains and should right now be about twenty miles south of her. A good two days walk, and her mission would be complete.
A day later, the sun beating down on her, Mishelle came to the main road that ran between Midland and Geere. The hand painted road signs were still up, and she knew she was exactly where she wanted to be. A day, maybe a day and half, from the convoy.
Mishelle didn’t sleep that night. She was too excited to sleep. Despite the danger of stepping into a hole and breaking her ankle, she walked through the night straight towards her goal.
She found the convoy the next morning. She had nearly missed it in the dark.
The destruction went back for miles along the road. Piles of burned or half-eaten bodies and the charred remains of the wagon train were scattered about. Swords, shields, and spears lay where they had been dropped when their owners had been killed.
She found a huge pile of destroyed mage uniforms by a line of dead horses just a few feet from the road. A large stack of broken staffs lay nearby.
When the Centarum patrol found Mishelle, the little mage was sitting next to the road quietly eating an apple she had dug out of a destroyed food wagon. She had put on her mage uniform and was staring off into nothingness. She didn’t even react when the Monstrum circled her and began to shout.
Days later, Mishelle, the former mage scout, was locked in a pair of stocks. She was squealing in delight at the amazing feeling of a large Centarum dick ramming hard in her cunt. Horse semen ran down her face as she hadn’t been able to swallow all the last load that was shoved down her throat.
She couldn’t remember her sisters. She couldn’t even remember her own name.
None of it mattered anymore.
The End